We are...the Creepypastas

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for not updating! I've been busy with other things and I'm so sorry! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Also, WARNING: SWEAR WORDS, DONT LIKE, DONT READ. ok,On with da story!

Lui's POV
"We are...the Creepypastas..." I said as I looked away. I abruptly looked up when I heard laughing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The Creepypastas! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" 'They were...laughing at us...all of them....Fiona...Cake...Marshall...Prince Gumball...all of them...stop it....STOP IT!.....STOP IT!' I thought as I grabbed my head chuckling maniacally. 'I hope I don't hurt anyone too bad...' Was the last thing I thought before I blacked out.

Sully's (btw Sully is Lui's other personality. For more info, read Lui's story) POV

I slowly opened my eyes to still see our so called "friends" laughing at us. I waited as patiently as I could for them to stop. After five freaking minutes, they finally stopped. Oh! And it looks like they still haven't noticed who I am. "That was funny Lui! But seriously, tell us what you guys really are." Fiona said with a smile on her face. I kept my head down in an attempt to keep myself from murdering everyone in sight. "Hey, dude, you ok?" Marshall asked. Fiona dropped the smile to a more worried look as well as the others. I slowly looked up and gave them a twisted smile. "Of course I'm fine! You just ridiculed my friends and family, but it's no big deal because the name Creepypasta is so preposterous and unlikely that it is perfectly ok to laugh at everything we have known and loved." I said with a twisted smile on my face. It quickly dropped to a frown as I stood up. "H-Hey, we're sorry!" "We're sorry! "We didn't know!" "I'm sorry!" They all started throwing apologies at me and I just started laughing as I walked towards Jeff's room with BEN and Smile. "Be warned: I am not Lui Woods." I said smirking. They started to look angry. "Then Who are you?!" Fiona yelled as they got into fighting position. My eye started to twitch as I facepalmed but smirked again. "I am merely a part of him." I said as I was about to open the door. I looked back at them briefly and said "Oh, and by the way, the name's Sully." I smirked walking into Jeff's room, leaving them awestruck. 'I think my work here is done' I thought as I switched control with Lui.

Jeff's (your) POV (when Lui/Sully comes in)

You were just laying in the hospital bed with a broken leg, arm, and wrist, along with a slit throat. "Lucky to be alive" as GumBall put it. Though, I'll probably heal in less than a week. But I'll have to deal with the question. I sighed and looked out the window. 'This. Fucking. Sucks.' I thought. I can't talk for at least a week, I kicked Jane's ass, I turned into a creepypasta in front of my new "friends", and I'm stuck here until I "heal". I was snapped out of my self moping when someone came in. It was Lui and he smiled at me and I smiled back. "So, how ya holding up little sis?" He asked playfully. I glared at him but smiled. Then, I heard running "JEFF!!!!" BEN yelled as he and Smile tackled me in a hug. "We thought you wouldn't make it!!!!" He yelled as he cried into my shirt. I gave them the 'are you kidding me' face and Lui just laughed.
After ha going out with them for a while, we heard a knock at the door. "Come in" Lui said. I looked over at the door to see Fiona, Cake, Marshall, and Gumball come in with unreadable expressions. I smiled slightly and waved at them but they just stood there staring at us. After what felt like forever, Fiona finally spoke up. "So, are you guys evil or not." She said with a glare. I was mildly shocked at her question but sighed. "We are not evil" BEN said with a glare. "Then what are you?!" Cake yelled. We were all taken back by her outburst, that it took a while for us to snap back to our senses. "We are.." BEN trailed off, almost crying. I put an arm on his shoulder and he jumped into my arms and cried. Lui sighed and said "I guess I'll have to explain this. We are Creepypastas, people or creatures that were either created or forced to live in the shadows by humanity." He said with a glare. "So no, we are not completely human, but we are not monsters either." He finished. The other group looked slightly relieved and intrigued by his answer. "So what are you true forms and stories?" Marshall asked.
My family looked at me for an answer and I slowly nodded and wrote down something on a piece of paper and gave it to Fiona. It read 'Ok, we'll show you our true forms, but you have to promise not to try to harm us. If you do, I will not hesitate to hurt you'. She slowly looked up and saw that I was dead serious. "F-fine, we won't hurt you." She stuttered. We turned into our Creepypasta selves one at a time. First Smile, when they saw he was a dog they were very shocked to say the least. At first they thought he was an adorable little regular dog, but once they saw the smile, they thought otherwise. Next was Lui, and they were shocked by his appearance, he had stitches everywhere and he looked more serious. Next was BEN, he hesitated at first but eventually turned into his true appearance, they were truly shocked by him because of his empty, bleeding eye sockets, his teeth and claws, and his link attire. Finally was me, and let me tell you, they were terrified of me. With my big, bloodied smile, unblinking eyes, and pale skin, I looked like...a monster. When they saw me, their reaction wasn't what I expected. They looked scared at first, but eventually calmed down. "S-so, what are your stories?" Asked Gumball stuttering.

A/N- IM SO SORRY I HAVENT BEEN UPDATING!!!! STUPID SCHOOL HAS KEPT ME FROM MY WATTPAD!! Anyways, I will try to update more frequently and I hope you enjoy this book. Thank you! ^_^

It's Creepy Time! (Adventure Time and Creepypasta Crossover) Marshall lee x reader x prince Gumball x FinnWhere stories live. Discover now