Sad Pasts and Scary Stories (Smile and BEN) Part 1

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A/N- hey, guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter and leave a like if you enjoyed it and comment on what you wan to happen next. Btw the original characters and character stories don't belong to me. Anyways, On with the story!!!

Smile Dog POV
We sat there for a while deciding who should go first, and since none of the others wanted to, I volunteered to go first. "Are you sure smile?" Lui asked. I shrugged "sure why not? Now let's see...I started off as an email with my quote on quote terrifying face attached to it with the words 'Spread the Word' written next to it. Now, this type of email was a chain letter, and what that is is an email or letter you or another supernatural being sends to another person that says to send to a certain amount of people or else someone or something evil will appear in your room at night and kill you, in my case, you have to send it to 20 people or else I come into your dreams and torment you until I kill you or you take your own life." I finished with a big smile.
They looked scared but intrigued...the reaction I expected was horrified and fainting but this will do. Marshall Lee chuckled "wow, you must be awesome at scaring people huh?" I simply smiled and nodded. "But I bet I could do better" he smirked. My smile only grew "is that a challenge?" I asked about to get up but was pushed down by Lui. He shook his head "now, we wouldn't want you taking all the thunder, now do we?" I smiled and laid back down next to Jeff. "Alright, who's next?" Fiona asked slightly scared which made me smirk. "I'll go next" BEN said.
"Alright, which story should I tell them?" I asked Jeff "My human story or cp story?" She held up one finger so she meant my human story. I sighed "Alright, so when I was still human, I lived a what I would call sad life. I was constantly bullied and had more bullies than I had friends. I had an abusive father and a  little brother who hated me almost as much as everybody in this godforsaken world." I scowled "Anyways, one day, I bought my favorite game, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, I was so happy that I immediately played the game the moment I got home. I named the file BEN, ironic I know but Whatever. I almost finished the game in only a few days and was sad to have finished it so quickly so I decided to postpone it. The next day, I was playing video games when my father burst into my room and made me go to the lake with my cousins and uncle to a lake nearby our house. I was surprised that he made me go with them because he usually left me alone, but this time he was persistent, so I went. I stayed in the shallow area of the lake because I didn't know how to swim because I was never taught. I was so happy until my cousin told me a new game they made up"

I felt tears roll down my face as a shook with anger and Jeff put her arms around me "they called it Ben drowned" I laughed bitterly "I was so scared and I tried to get out of the lake but they were too fast and pushed my head underwater. I tried to fight back but after a while, I was overpowered and, drowned. I remember that the last thing I saw before I died was 'you've met a terrible fate, haven't you BEN?' When I opened my eyes, I was a ghost floating over my dead corpse. I expected my uncle and cousins to do something, but they didn't do anything except laugh and drink. I was so upset I felt my sanity slowly leaving my soul. After a while, they dragged my dead body out of the lake and cut my eyes out. The pain was unbearable. I now has black, empty sockets where my eyes used to be. They threw my body back into the water and went back to my house. I followed them, expecting my dad to care or yell at them but all he did was say 'oh' and gave all my stuff to my little ungrateful brother. He erased my gaming file that I never got to finish and that pushed me over limit. I possessed the game and killed everyone in my family who wronged me, a slow and painful death. I have been possessing my game ever since and haunt everyone who plays my game." I finished looking at the floor expecting them to hate me but instead, they looked at me sadly and with pity. I got mad "Tch. Don't look at me like that, it happened ages ago" I glared. "Um. We'll go next" Lui said referring to Jeff and himself. Jeff had been healing this whole time so she should be fine to speak in a few minutes.
"Alright, go on" Marshall, said kind of annoyed and upset because of how painful their pasts sounded. "Well..." He started.
A/N: hey guys, sorry for not updating but I shall try to update for you guys. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I thank you guys for reading my book, it means a lot to me :D like I said, will try to update soon, see you later, PEACE!

It's Creepy Time! (Adventure Time and Creepypasta Crossover) Marshall lee x reader x prince Gumball x FinnWhere stories live. Discover now