The Fight (Part 2)

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update but here it is! I'm so happy that you guys like my story! Warning: blood and swearing, don't like, dont read. Anyways.....on with the story! :)

Jeff (your) POV
While he was laughing I started to bite down on the gun he had in my mouth. 'It's now or never!' I broke the front part of the gun with my teeth and stabbed him straight through the heart. 'That should get him to stop laughing' I thought as I quietly giggled to myself. He looked shocked to say the least, but he wasn't done. He held his hand over his wound and ran (as fast as he could with a stab wound anyways) into a bush and grabbed the knife he previously dropped. 'Damn! I was so close to finishing him off!' I thought with a pout. I regained my composure when he got back up and glared at him. He charged at me with a yell. I dodged it quickly but he turned around and slit my throat. I fell down with a thump. 'How could he defeat me? GRRR! I'll make him pay. He'll.....hehehe GO TO SLEEP!' He was walking away as my friends stared at me in shock. I got up slowly and started walking towards him. Looks like he hasn't noticed yet, perfect. I ran up to him and threw my knife at his back. He turned around quickly and looked at me in shock. That shock quickly turned into anger as we rushed towards each other, knife in hand.
We both jumped into the air and it all happened so quickly. I cut off Jane's head while his body stabbed me straight through the heart. We both fell with a loud thump on the floor. No one moved for what felt like an eternity until....

A/N: Cliffhanger! Hehehe! I'm so evil! See you guys later!

A/N: Just kidding! I'm not that mean. On with the story!

We were all frozen in shock and fear. Shock that Jeff just chopped Jane's head clean off! And fear that Jeff won't be ok. I was the first to move (run) towards the battlefield. I ran towards Jeff and laid her head in my lap. "Jeff! Jeff answer me! This isn't funny!" I yelled as bloody tears streamed down my face. I didn't care if they were watching. I just wanted Jeff to be ok. Lui and Smile ran over and sat next to me. Jeff was still unconscious. I looked up at Bubblegum. "You! You're a doctor right? Please help her!" I yelled at him. He looked shocked but nodded and came over to where we were along with the others.
Gumball came and looked at Jeff. He looked up at me with a serious look in his eye. "We need to get her to my kingdom fast. She's loosing a lot of blood and if we don't hurry, she might die." We nodded and started running towards the candy kingdom.

-Timeskip to after they got you to the hospital-

Lui's POV
I hope my sister is ok. I couldn't help myself and I started to cry silently as we waited for Gumball to come out of the operating room. BEN hugged my arm as Smile was crying as well next to me.
After a few hours of waiting (crying) Gumball finally came out of the operating room. "How is she?" I asked. He sighed and smiled. "She's going to be alright." I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Then, Marshall, Fiona, and Cake walked in with an undecipherable (fancy lol) look on their faces. I looked up at the and smiled.
They walked up to is and asked "What are you?" I looked at them in shock and realization. 'It was bound to happen sooner or later' I thought with a sigh. After a few minutes of silence I said.
"We are....."
A/N: Here's the real cliffhanger! Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Love ya! Bye! :D

It's Creepy Time! (Adventure Time and Creepypasta Crossover) Marshall lee x reader x prince Gumball x FinnWhere stories live. Discover now