thirty one

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everyone 👋🏼 meet my partner in crime 😋 we've been dating for 3 years actually 😒 you guys are jealous i know 😌✋🏼 @johnnyjsuh 💞


johnnyjsuh: 😚❤️

henderryy: :o

tltmaun4u: you're telling me dispatch couldn't identify THE johnny suh 🤬

xiaojunwife: i need @henderryy to plagiarize this ❗️
—> hen.pp_big: don't be surprise when it's me

ftbbihmun4t: omg this is the most powerful couple to ever exist 🏳️‍🌈

rjhuangjun: why is everyone gay ??!

yuhbryuta: never expected that 😐✋🏼

ieatkaka: fags 🖕🏼💩

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