thirty two

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Label V drops LUCAS out of drama, what are your thoughts?


fbvkthiwshit: this is literally your fault dispatch,, go die 🖕🏼

maui2000675: fuck that bitch #deserved

hasyue: why would they do that 😭 he probably didn't agree to this 🥺

stanloona: no replacement can replace lu 💔

streamexo: man i was so excited for this drama ,, it was for the best hope they find someone soon

xiaojunwife: omg what if they cast my husband for this 😍
  —> rvcbwhen: ahhh i would love that!! and he's from the same company as ten so maybe !
  —>nayuunaaa: omg imagine xiaojun & hendery in one frame 🥵💦💦
   —>tenniemiamor: & ten tf >:(
  —> nayuunaaa: yes him too 🥵💦💦💦💦

nayuunaaa: deserved!

a/n: y'all are not ready for the mess coming soon 😩 #fucklucas

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