Chapter 3: The Leper

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Huh? Did he just say he was my inner voice? What does that even mean? This pain! It's too much. A shrill erupted beyond my throat, I then realized it was my own voice. My voice lashed and ripped at my throat, completely slashing out my sense of touch there. My head feels like it's going to get crushed. And then the voice spoke again, "Trust in me Calidris. Trust in me, and I'll assure you your wishes. Will you trust me? I know you do."

Trust? In the voice? I didn't know what to think, all these sensations kept pulling my mind in each direction, from the shredding of my esophagus, to the battery ram in my temples, to the lobotomy slushing awry and to the evisceration of my eyes. Can I trust this voice? Can I trust this world? Can I trust myself?

"Let me show you a vision of YOUR reality!"

And then a piercing bolt of lighting, a mixture of burgundy, red, indigo and purple shot through my eye. Every single synapse and nerve ending fired up with electrical pulses, and I saw it all, all that power and energy concentrated into my left eye.

And it hurt. It hurt so much. God it hurts. The pain... make it STOP! It HURTS, it hurts, PLEASE fuck make it go away!

"Rejoice Calidris, I have gifted you the power of Iustitia's sight! Face the world with YOUR sight, and reveal the shadows of this earth for what they truly are."

MAKE IT STOP. THE AGONY, MY EYE! STOP IT, PLEASE. I trust you, I trust you, just make it stop...

"Of course you would trust me. After all, I will guide you to your desires."

My eye seized up sending a shockwave across my body. I stood there shaking and wrangling as if all my bones had begun to turn to jelly and were slowly melting away.

My flesh bounced and squirmed, right before a myriad of colors assaulted my eye. I could feel the flesh throb and wriggle as my veins twisted and turned.

My knees gave out and I fell to the floor, my palms barely gripping the alley floor to sustain me. I let out deep breaths of fatigue as the pain slowly began to subdue.

On the floor laid a broken metal rim of a car tire, and in that rim I saw something appalling. My left eye, its white sclera seemed tinted with a charcoal color, and the iris kept its brown shade, only now it seemed dull and splotchy like dried blood, but most disgustingly, my veins bulged outward from my lids and eyeball, their colored glows of red, blue and white shimmers lighting up occasionally as if a live current went through.

I yelped in a panic as I kicked away from the floor, my back falling across the brick wall. My index finger hesitantly hovered over my eye, scared to prod and discover something I vehemently denied. Monstrous eye, monstrous eye, how could this be possible?

And then I touched a vein, and a staticky feeling spread through my skin. Internally, I felt something whimper. It was my voice. I couldn't stop my sniffle of distress, which was only amplified by what I saw next.

My vision wobbled and waned, the image of the homeless man in front of me staggered. His body seemed to glitch in and out of reality, like a buggy character model from one of those games Zay played. But this wasn't a game, and life definitely doesn't have coding failures or bugs like this.

He continued to turn to me, his face becoming more distorted and warped like the swirl of colors all crudely mixed together to form an incomprehensible blob of facial details that were meant to be there but seemingly somehow were not.

And then my eye revealed the truth, the true image. And I let out another whimper of fear.

Suddenly, a low growl started to emerge from the man. It sounded scratchy and coarse, like the sound of a dying smoker. His round yet frail frame shook in the harshness of the wind.

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