Author's Note 3

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Hiya everyone! ; D

I'll keep this short since I have absolutely no idea what to write here.

Anyway, this story was one of my larger projects and my own brainchild (that although I've written other books before and completed them, this one has been the first one I thought out entirely by myself) and made entirely from my sweat and sleepless hours. 

I think this story is one that can be enjoyed for entertainment but as well as teach us a huge moral lesson about how we perceive ourselves and the people around us. I'll humbly admit that a majority of the issues and views Calidris has are inspired by some of the same I had before. If anything, I think this story was a good indicator of solidifying my past and being able to over come it.

The more I wrote this story the more and more Cali became less like me and more like his own person. I thought of him and wrote him as I would a brother and close friend. I felt and experienced all his pain, I could physically enact all his outbursts, cries of agony and enraged/psychotic thought processes. 

There's a TON of symbolism and deeper meaning in this story, and I challenge the casual readers to undertake in uncovering more about the story. Also, disregarding the author's notes; all the chapters (including the prologue and epilogue) add up to 31 :; D

Also some fun facts about Cali:

-Although it's never mentioned in the story, Benilde is the only person that Cali refers to by their full name rather than by a nickname or a short name (calling her Benilde rather than Beni in his inner monologue). There's a meaning behind this ; )

-Many of Cali's distortions of the world are based around his memories (duh!) but the temple is specifically the most personal to him (since he lives in the dorms) and seeing as how he loves can only wonder what temple movies he watched...

-Cali is actually terrible at videogames. He watches movies more and is only ever really specified to play games when it's with other people. 

-Calidris is the name of a genus of birds, however I thought I would correlate it more to the cardinal because its colors were more symbolic in my opinion.

-Calidris may or may not be suffering from some severe mental illness.

Now, for some acknowledgements:

To @bibliophile2459 for their amazing artwork and their niceties! (Please check them out! They're seriously the best and they make amazing art)

And to @sylvxon_117 for their continued support! She has boosted my confidence and provided me amazing critiques as well as been my most loyal reader! Check out her work if you're interested in pokemon!

And lastly, thank you to you my readers, if you've made it this far.

Oh and one last thing, if you didn't check out the song from the epilogue, please check it out. I'll even post it here again for your convenience. I think it matches the theme of the story well and even adds to the melancholic atmosphere of the story as a whole. 

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