Prologue: Reality-29

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I cried in pain as I painfully dragged my body across the tiled floors of the dorm. The air smelled stale and metallic, mostly from the stench of blood pouring in with gobs from my nose, dribbling across my cheeks, giving me a salty and copper-like taste to my already bitten and swollen tongue. My head produced these strange noises, a repeated scratching and crackling sound like T.V. static only more amplified and painful as it reverberated across my temples. My arm was bitten, and my legs began to sore and tense with muscle spasms.

I heard them, the monsters approaching: their disgruntled and hungry groans beneath their bloodied faces and rotten flesh. Their shoes and feet grinded across the floor, giving off occasional ear-shattering, high squeaks of alarm, the noise torturing my already paranoid mind. I felt a sense of impending doom, dread, and despair.

'He' chased me as well, the one they called Synkronus. I could feel him as I got closer to my room. My nails chipped and ached as I desperately tried to crawl, unable to think of positive and happy memories to heal my agony. I hopelessly tried to imagine their smiles, their laughter, their voices and faces; anything to rid me of the horrific fog in my head. A weight brought me down, hanging over my spine as if a reaper's scythe had pinned me to the floor.

I couldn't hear my inner voice anymore. He had left me. Everyone was gone. I was all alone now. No allies, no friends, no hope to live. No possibilities to keep me going. I was just all alone. Just.


So what was the point? They were nearing, 'He' was nearing. Death would come soon. No matter how much I struggled I knew I wouldn't make it far. If only I appreciated their smiles earlier, before my end. The monsters sound close.

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