Chapter IV

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Everyone arrived at Kai's house after the 45 minute drive. They all changed out of their costumes and met in the basement.

"A toast! To Y/N's first kill! I feel she will be a great addition to our movement." Kai announced and everyone raised their glasses.

They all threw back their alcohol and hollered.

Y/N drank her's shyly, "you don't need to toast to me." She said humbly.

"Yeah why are we toasting to her? After my first kill, all I got was criticized for holding the knife wrong." Meadow complained.

"Well, Meadow, Y/N is different from you all and that is why we are toasting to her. We're here to celebrate your new co-leader!" Kai revealed.

"Co-leader? This is bullshit." Harrison seemed angry.

"Now, now, Harrison, you will treat her as you treat me. We are of equal power and you will all follow her as you have followed me." Kai explained.

"Kai, I'm your sister. I don't get that position? I've been by your side our whole lives." Winter started to get mad.

"Dear sister, this is much different I promise you. I trust you more than anyone, and I love you." He said sincerely.

She pushed through everyone and stormed upstairs, Ivy followed to comfort her.

"I- I should go." Y/N started to grab her things.

"No, stay." Kai put his hand on her shoulder and lowered her down to the couch where she was previously sitting.

She just looked up at him curiously.

"You will all treat her with the upmost respect and accept this change. If you show anything less, there will be consequences." His face changed to seriousness.

"Yes sir." Samuels agreed.

RJ nodded his head.

Meadow just stood crossing her arms with a frustrated look on her face.

Harrison rolled his eyes but eventually nodded in agreement.

Beverly took a deep breath and then nodded like the rest.

"Good." A sly smile made its way onto Kai's face.

"Kai, I don't know. I don't know if I wanna be a 'co-leader' or whatever. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do." Y/N admitted in a worried tone.

"I will guide you and when you are ready, we will be guiding others to greatness. Don't worry my sweet." He gave her a comforting look.

She just looked down at her drink and swirled it.

"Now, leave me and Y/N to discuss some matters." Kai motioned for the others to clear out.

Everyone slowly made their way upstairs mumbling their complaints to each other.

Kai inhaled sharply and rubbed his eyes. He sat down next to Y/N and put his hand on her thigh. "There's something I need you to do for me."

"W-what is it?" She looked into his dark eyes.

"I need you to get an appointment with Dr. Vincent Anderson. Tomorrow." He handed her a business card with a phone number and address.

"Uh, okay, yeah. Um, can I ask why?"

"You're going to tell him some bullshit story about some phobia and he'll schedule a time for you to come in. You immediately need to tell me when the appointment is. You need to get close enough to him to get the keys to his files. They never leave his belt loop. You may even have to seduce him if it comes to that. Can you do it?" Their eyes never left the other's.

"Yes." She gulped.

He smiled evilly, "you need a fake identity and don't call from your cell. Got it?"

She nodded quickly, "what do I do with the keys once I get them?" She asked.

"Make up an excuse to leave and put them in your purse. I will be waiting at the coffee shop on that corner. Bring them directly to me." He instructed.

"If I'm bringing them to you, why can't you just get them?" She questioned.

"He already suspects I'm up to something. It would be too risky. I need you to do this for me Y/N." Fire burned in his eyes.

"Suspects you? Why? Does he know you?" Her confused expression never left.

Kai glanced around the room as he adjusted his sitting position. "He's my brother."

"You want me to seduce your..."


She raised her eyebrows at him looking for reassurance.

"I know it sounds weird but I don't know how else you can get the keys. Got a better idea?" He stared at her blankly.

"You don't want someone else to do it? What about Meadow or Beverly?" She asked.

"No. I know Vince. He wouldn't fall for them that easily. You, Y/N, will send him into a trance. Your beauty will easily pull him in." He continued.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

"I do." Kai said honestly.

She smiled and looked down at her hands in her lap.

Kai moved her hair off of one side of her face and cupped his hand on her cheek staring at her.

Her eyes immediately shot up to his face.

"Can you do this for me?" His eyes softened.

"I'll do it." She nodded.

His eyes raked up and down her body as she sat still. His hand left her cheek and he took a deep breath. "You should head home now."

Y/N was taken back by his words and she thought they had a connection for a minute. She awkwardly grabbed her things and stood up, facing Kai who had also stood up.

"I'll walk you to the door." He approached the stairs and looked back at her when she didn't follow.

She was looking at the floor with a look of disappointment.

"You alright?" He asked.

She snapped out of it and walked towards Kai. "Yeah."

They got upstairs and everyone was chattering in the kitchen. When they spotted the two, they went quiet.

"Y/N is leaving for the night, you should all consider doing the same, it's getting late." Kai rested his hand on the small of her back.

"Goodnight." She waved at the others and stepped out of the door Kai had opened for her.

Kai shot everyone a look once she stepped out and then he followed her, closing the door behind him.

She walked to her car and stood next to the driver's side door. "Thank you again for arranging tonight for me Kai. I finally feel free." She stated genuinely.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her for a moment.

She hugged back and savored every second of it.

Kai pulled back and put both of his hands on her shoulders and then kissed her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." He smiled faintly.

She nodded, "I'll make the appointment." She got in her car and backed out of his driveway waving before she drove off.

Kai stood in the same spot and watched her drive away. After she was out of sight he placed his palms on his temples and paced the concrete. "fuck!" He said under his breath.

He tried to hide his feelings for Y/N but it was getting difficult.

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