Chapter V

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Y/N made the appointment to see Dr. Vincent earlier that day and she was heading to his office now. She pulled up, got out of the car slightly nervous, and walked in.

"Hey, Audrey Thompson right? For 2 o'clock?" The tall man stood up and shook her hand.

"Hey, Audrey Thompson right? For 2 o'clock?" The tall man stood up and shook her hand

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"Yeah, yeah that's me. Thanks for seeing me." She said shyly and sat down on the small sofa across from him. She set her purse beside her and looked around the room.

"So. You said you've been struggling with your thalassophobia lately?" He grabbed a nearby pen and notepad and clicked the pen once.

"Yeah. I was gonna go to the beach with some friends but my mind took over and I backed out last minute. Everyone was pissed at me. The ocean just- I can't even go ankles deep. I'm afraid it'll get worse. And it's almost summer, I don't know what I'm gonna do doc." She looked down and shook her head.

"Well, I'll work with you on this and you will conquer this. Everyone can get better." He gave her a warm smile and scribbled on his notepad.

He continued to ask her questions and hold up ink blots for her to look at.

"Is it the emptiness? Is there something in your life you feel is empty that makes you afraid of the open space in the ocean?" He asked.

"Well, I guess I just feel empty because I don't have anyone special in my life. A lover. I feel incomplete." She looked up at him.

"That would explain a big portion of your fear." He wrote down more on the paper.

"You know, you're smart and attractive..." She slowly stood up and strutted toward him.

"I- I don't-

"Maybe you could cure me. Fill this emptiness Dr. Vincent." She straddled him and played with his tie.

"Audrey... I can't- this is unprofessional-

She stood up for a moment and closed the blinds. "No one will know doctor..." She sat on his lap sideways and ran her fingers through his short hair. "Don't you want to cure me?" She said innocently.

He looked at her from head to toe and back up to her face. He then pulled her back up to straddle him and he smashed his lips into her's and she smiled while kissing back. She rocked on his waist, getting him all riled up. Soft moans left his mouth as they kissed and Y/N opened her eyes to look down at his belt. The keys were clipped to his belt loop like Kai said. She carefully unhooked them and slid them into her back pocket. She felt him grow under her and she got more cocky. She moved her lips to his neck as he drifted into bliss underneath her. She felt herself getting effected by their actions when Kai popped into her mind. She stopped for a moment shocked at where her mind wandered.

"What? What's the matter?" Vincent said confused.

She shook her head back to reality. "I just realized I have to get to this uh- my sister's... baby shower! I'm so sorry to cut our time short." She got off of him and grabbed her purse.

"Do you want to schedule another appointment or..." He tried to fix his hair.

"Um, I'll let you know. Thank you doctor." She nodded and pushed through the door to jog to her car. She shoved his keys in her purse and left immediately. She rounded the corner of the coffee shop and parked. She entered the building and found Kai at a table alone off to the side. She froze for a moment thinking about how she had just imagined his brother was him. She snapped out of it and walked over to him.

"This seat taken?" She smiled at Kai.

"You got them?" He asked.

She sat down in the booth, pulled them from her purse, and jingled them in front of Kai.

He took them from her and trailed his gaze up to her's. "Did you have to-

"Don't ask." She interrupted.

Kai reached over and wiped the smeared lipstick from the side of her mouth. "I don't think I have to."

She grabbed a mirror from her purse and fixed her appearance.

Kai just found her flustered state amusing.

"You can stop staring." She said plainly.

"At least it wasn't me." He mumbled.

"What?" She put the mirror down and looked at him puzzled.

"If it were me, you'd look a lot worse." He said with no emotion and just stared at her.

Her face went completely red not believing what he just said. "I got you the keys. That's all you needed, right?" She clarified.

"For now, yes." He agreed.

It annoyed her how he never showed many emotions, he was a brick wall all the time. "Okay good." She threw her purse over her shoulder and stood up.

Kai just watched her every move and enjoyed how nervous he made her.

She smoothed out her clothes and took a deep breath. "Okay, well, let me know if you need anything."

Kai stayed silent and just looked into her eyes for a while to see how far he could push her.

"Got it?" She said a bit frustrated.

He nodded and maintained his eye contact. "Yep."

She rolled her eyes and left the cafe. Kai let out a small chuckle and took a sip of his coffee.

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