Chapter VIII

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Kai returned home and was recovering well. He used a cane for the first few days but eventually regained his strength. Y/N hadn't seen him in a while because she was still angry about his fraud assassination and she refused to attend any of the recent meetings. Kai called almost everyday for 4 days but all Y/N would do was roll her eyes and let it ring.

*Knock knock knock*

"Ugh, coming!" Y/N yelled annoyed and stomped toward the door to fling it open.

Kai pushed passed her into her living room area. "What the fuck, Y/N?!" He threw his hands up dramatically.

"Come in, why don't you?" She shoved the door closed and returned to the stove where she was making soup.

"Ignoring my calls? Not coming to the meetings? What's the matter with you? I gave you equal power! Maybe it was too much responsibility for you, hm?" Kai stormed up behind Y/N but she stayed completely unfazed to let Kai throw his little tantrum.

"Kai, I just needed a break. Time away from all the crazy cult shit. After that little stunt you pulled at the rally, I was really pissed. You made me think you were dead, it was traumatizing and I needed time to heal." She paused and then turned around with tears in her eyes, "You traumatized me Kai! You! Don't barge into my house telling me I'm in the wrong." She fumed.

"Y/N, I-I'm-

"Save it. I have to tell you something, I was gonna wait to say it but I guess I should just do it now." She exhaled and sat at her small kitchen table.

Kai followed her and just stood next to the table with a concerned look.

"There's a designer in Berlin that saw some of my sketches online I posted and he wants to take me under his wing for a few months." She folded one leg over the other.

Kai pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled, "Y/N that's great but are you really considering that?"

"What?" She said plainly.

"Are you actually considering it? Seems a little much don't you think?" Kai expressed.

"Um, yeah, I actually was considering it, why do you think I brought it up Kai?" She pushed her eyebrows together and cocked her head with a confused look.

"I need you, Y/N. You can't leave now, we're just beginning-

"Kai! Listen to me! This is my dream!" She pressed on.

"What about my dream?" Kai's face went cold.

"You don't need me to achieve your dream. You clearly showed me that when you almost got yourself killed!" She stood back up to tend to her cooking again.

Kai stayed silent for a moment and then slowly approached Y/N. He snaked his arms around her torso and rested his head on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry my love. I kept it between Meadow and I so the others wouldn't find out and spoil the execution baby. I wanted raw reactions." He whispered next to her face.

"You think I would've spoiled the 'execution'?" She snapped back.

"No, no Y/N. You gave me the raw reaction, it was real and that's what I needed. You gave America the real reaction, you made people fall for it all, you were my pathos, you pulled at the country's heart strings. The grieving significant other." Kai explained.

"So I was a pawn in your stupid little stunt? Way to make your girlfriend feel special." She took the pot off the stove and poured it into bowls.

"I can't go back in time and change what I've done, but I love you Y/N and I never meant to hurt you. You're my queen, my equal, my other half." Kai carried the bowls to the small table and sat down.

Y/N followed and sat across from him.

He lifted his arm up onto the table and extended his pinkie.

"You know, putting your elbows on the table is rude." She brought her spoon to her mouth.

Kai chuckled a bit and nodded toward his hand.

She rolled her eyes and copied his position linking pinkies.

"I truly did not mean to hurt you this way. I thought when I told you it was all apart of my plan, you would be okay." He confessed truthfully.

"Well I wasn't, I'm not. When someone you've fallen in love with gets shot by one of your friends right in front of you kind of messes you up Kai." She said sarcastically.

Kai gave her a sympathetic look, "will you ever forgive me?" He asked.

"To be honest, I'm not sure, I just need time. That's why I think Berlin is a good idea." Y/N nodded and retracted her hand from Kai's.

Kai started eating and didn't say a word.

Y/N just stared at him waiting for a response.

He breathed out of his nose and looked up to meet her gaze, "I don't know what I'm gonna do without you here."

"Kai, don't make me feel bad-

"I'm not trying to, I'm just telling the truth." He stated.

"I need to do this, it's my passion and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's only 3 months and I'll come right back here, to you. I will have time to think and heal and time to forgive you. This could be good." She encouraged.

"Okay." Kai accepted her wishes and flashed a weak smile.

"I love you." Y/N said looking for real approval in his dark eyes.

His head shot up at her words that she had never said to him before.

"I don't wanna leave on bad terms. I do love you Kai and I need you too but I have to take this chance." She tried to convince him more.

He stood up and walked over to her end of the table. He took both of her hands in his and pulled her up out of her chair. "I love you too. Go, go to Berlin." He smiled.

She squealed and sprinkled his face with tiny kisses.

Kai looked down at the excited girl and let her have her moment. When she calmed down he gently grabbed under her chin and placed a loving kiss on her lips. It gradually got more intense and Kai lifted her onto his hips as she wrapped her legs around him. He started walking down the hallway supporting her by the back of her thighs. "Little going away gift alright with you?" He said catching his breath from the kiss.

"I love gifts." She said playing along.

Kai reconnected the kiss and closed her bedroom door and-

well, you guys know the rest...

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