Chapter XIII

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After knocking on Kai's door, Beverly swung it open and stepped aside for Y/N to come in.

"Hey Bev." She stepped in.

"Hi Y/N. Kai's downstairs."

"Okay." She nodded but felt weirded out because Beverly seemed unsettled. She brushed it off and headed to the basement. She reached the bottom and Kai was standing at a small table in front of his men dressed in an odd uniform.

"Kai, hey." She walked over to him and rubbed his back with one of her hands standing beside him.

"Y/N I do not need you for this part of the meeting you should be elsewhere." He didn't even look at her when speaking.

"Oh, um, okay, well I just thought I could chill with you. I won't distract you." She sat down on the sofa off to the side.

Kai sighed and turned his attention back to his men. "Now, let's assemble the kill kits-

"Kai, what are you doing? What are you talking about?" She stopped him.

"I thought you said you wouldn't distract me?" He looked at her trying to keep his cool.

"I wasn't but- kill kit? What's going on?" She shuffled on the sofa uncomfortably.

"The night of a hundred tates, turns out finding a thousand pregnant women is a little difficult." He explained.

"I-I thought you were done with all this." She stood up and walked over slowly.

"My sweet Y/N, so naive, so gullible..." He degraded.

Her eyes got wide and she stepped back. "K-Kai." She whimpered out.

The basement door opened and Ally came down. "Y/N I need some help upstairs, can you come up real quick?"

Y/N looked to Kai then Ally and just stepped up the stairs.

Her and Ally got to the kitchen, "I had to get you outta there, remember I told you I had a plan?" She looked serious.

Y/N just nodded quickly.

"The FBI are waiting outside c'mon we're sending them in to shut all this shit down." Ally motioned for her to follow.

She couldn't. She froze. Did Kai really fool her? Was her Kai long gone?

"C'mon we have to hurry." Ally demanded.

Y/N followed her out of the front door and walked down the sidewalk.

The door opened again and one of Kai's men yelled, "where do you think you're going?"

"Just going to get some snacks." Ally replied calmly.

He went back inside but was still suspicious.

The two approached the trucks and gave them the okay to go in. They watched as men with guns and smoke bombs ran across the street and busted into the home. Gunshots went off like crazy.

Y/N fell to her knees in the street and started crying. She couldn't grasp that this was real. She fell in love with a sweet, caring guy and now the FBI was here to take him away. She lost the thing she loved the most. But she was mainly angry because he played her for an idiot and that, she could not forgive.

People started exiting the house in handcuffs. They got closer and Beverly was being taken.

"You were right Ally, I just had to hang on." She said as she passed them.

Y/N was still crying to herself and she wasn't paying attention until she heard Kai yelling so she looked up with runny makeup.

"You bitch! I'll fuckin' kill you! I'll kill you! You bitch! You fuckin' bitch!" They loaded him into the back of a truck as he squirmed to get out.

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