Chapter VI

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Four days went by and Y/N hadn't heard anything from Kai. It was about 3 in the afternoon when her phone lit up with a call from Kai. She looked at it for a moment and then hit accept, lifting it to her ear.

"Hello." She said.

"Meeting. My house. 5 o'clock." He got right to the point. "Bring your costume."

"Uh- okay." She muttered.

"See you then." He wrapped up.

"See ya?" Not even a 'hello'?

He hung up and Y/N looked around weirded out.

---time skip---

She pulled up to Kai's house right on time and knocked on the door.

Winter flung the door open, "hey, Y/N. Come in." She opened the door wider.

Y/N stepped in, "hey."

"I'm sorry about the other night. I didn't mean to storm off like that or doubt you. That was shitty of me. Can we move past that?" She looked at her sincerely.

"Uh, yeah. No, that's fine, it's really alright. I understand where you were coming from, you're his sister." She said comfortingly.

"Okay, well, Kai's gonna flip his shit if we don't get down there." Winter led the way.

They got to the basement and everyone was already there.

"Now that we're all here, let's go over the plan." Kai paced the room as he explained.

Y/N stood off to the side listening.

"They're gonna get home around 6:45 and we need to be ready by then. The coffins must be set up perfectly and you all need to be in position. Go for the man first, then the wife. Use the drills and then paint the smiley face on the back wall and get the fuck out. We good?" He looked around to everyone to make sure they understood.

Everyone nodded.

"Why coffins? Why can't we just kill them?" RJ spoke up.

"If we just kill them, we lose the fear factor and our whole message is lost. The wife has severe feretrophobia. We need to scare them and this whole goddamn town." Kai answered.

"How do you know? How do you know what she's afraid of?" Samuels added.

"Y/N here, has gained us access to the files of patients with certain phobias that we will be using against them. Fear is the most important aspect of our entire operation." Everyone looked toward Y/N.

She pretended she didn't see them and she kept listening to Kai.

"Everyone change and get to the truck." Kai ordered.

---time skip---

They were all waiting in their positions after setting up. The front door opened and the couple came in laughing and stopped to kiss. The man walked into the room and Beverly knocked him out. He made a loud thud the wife must've heard and she came rushing in and stopped to see the coffins. Harrison grabbed the girl and Samuels grabbed the man. They were thrown into the coffins and Y/N and Winter drilled them shut as they pounded to escape. Kai walked into the room and spray painted his signature smiley face on the wall. He nodded to dismiss everyone as the couple continued to bang on the insides of the coffins and scream.

They hopped into the truck and took off their masks.

Y/N breathed heavily and laid her head back against the truck.

---time skip---

The rest of the members left after the mission but Kai asked Y/N to stay.

He led her to the basement and motioned to the couch, inviting her to sit. "Do you want a drink?" He walked toward the bar.

"Sure, thanks." She sat down and exhaled.

Kai poured two drinks and he plopped down next to her.

She took one from him, "did you need me for something?"

"I wanted to talk to you." He took a sip and set his glass on the table in front of them.

"Okay." She said needing more information.

"I've watched you for a long time, Y/N. You intrigued me. I gotta say, the man at the bar was the moment I realized you were perfect." Kai spoke passionately.

"How do-

"I told you, I've been watching you. The way your anger would've allowed you to kill him on the spot if it came to that... impressed me." He slowly nodded.

"He wouldn't leave me alone, it was just to scare him." She took a sip of her drink.

"No. no, don't say that. You weren't trying to scare him. Something burned in you, after that one physical touch, you wanted him dead. What stopped you?" He pushed on.

"I don't know, prison?" She said obviously.

"Otherwise, you would've done it?" He asked.

"Maybe. I don't know Kai. What's with the questions?" She set her cup down.

"I really like you, Y/N. I think we have a lot in common and I've never felt a connection like this with another person. I need someone like you in my life. So innocent but so... deeply evil." He went on.

"I wouldn't say evil." She crossed her arms.

"If you were pushed far enough." Kai stared at her intensely.

"You want me to be evil?" She raised her eyebrows.

"I think it would help you release some of your anger." He corrected.

She looked down and pondered.

"I want to be with you Y/N." Kai finally admitted.

Her head shot up and her eyes met his. She didn't know what to say.

"Do you feel the same?" He asked after the moment of silence.

All she could do was nod, she had no idea he felt the same way.

He exhaled in relief and the silence returned. They stared at each other with glimmering eyes until Kai grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. She kissed back with the same amount of force and passion.

Her hand rested on his cheek and his held the back of her head. At least a minute must've gone by before they pulled apart.

Their foreheads pressed together for a moment as they smiled. Kai sat up and put his hands behind his head leaning back on the sofa.

Y/N spoke up, "I need another drink."

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