Finally were getting somewhere

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I sigh and gather up all my courage and knock at the door, waiting for someone to answer. Today was a very important day for me, I'm asking Bonnie's grams to teach me magic.

I'm finally twelve, it took forever but I'm finally at the age where I feel I can do some magic and not get tired out easily. I need to prepare because in a few years the plot will start and I can't wait.

That kinda sounds messed up saying I can't wait till my parents die and everything changes. It's true though my parents have been nothing but horrible to me.

They abused me physically, mentally and emotionally. I think it's because I'm adopted and I'll never be good enough in their eyes. I mean Elena's adopted but I guess in a way she's related to Grayson and Miranda at least.

Not that much interesting stuff has happened yet, I got closer with Caroline, Tyler and Jeremy. I still haven't told them about me being from a different universe, I'll do that sometime soon though.

I want them to be protected and prepared, the only way I can do that is tell them. I'm not gonna be like Elena and make her vampire boyfriends compel their memories or lie to them.

I'm definitely not letting her control Jeremy or any of them for that matter. When I was watching the show I thought it was really fucked up when she made Jeremy leave and forget things.

Damon isn't going to be using Caroline as his blood bag when he comes. Tyler won't be turned against his will, he will only turn into a werewolf if he wants that.

My relationship with Elena, Matt and Bonnie hasn't gotten any better. I can't get Bonnie alone to try to befriend her, she's always right next to Elena.

I don't really care about what happens to Matt, call me rude or whatever you want but I couldn't care less if he died. On second thought I would be throwing a party if he died. He outlasted the originals that's fucking sad, he was just a stupid human and he outlived the first ever vampires.

Anyway back to reality, someone opens the door and I see it's Shelia Bennett. She quickly says "bonnie's not home, she's with Elena."

She tries to close the door but I'm faster I stop her and say "wait I'm not here for Bonnie,
I'm actually here for you. I need your help."

She looks surprised and confused but opens the door wider and motions me in. I walk inside and we both sit on the couch.

I sigh and start "I'm Lillian Gilbert, I've never met you so this is probably really weird but I need your help."

She nods and then her eyes grow wider, she backs up and basically yells out "your a witch!? I feel the magic you have in your veins, it's powerful and strong. I've never felt this much power from a witch before especially a young one at that."

I smile trying to ease her nerves I then say "yes I'm a witch, I need help controlling and learning magic. I know your a witch can you please help me, I have no one else to go to about this."

She sits there for a little bit thinking about it, she finally speaks up and says "I'll help you, it would be a pleasure teaching someone as powerful as yourself. We can start tomorrow morning, Bonnie won't be home. Don't mention this to her, I don't want her apart of this world."

I nod and she instantly relaxes, I kinda feel bad. I mean technically I'm not gonna tell her but she's eventually going to be apart of this world. How did she not realize this when she befriended the doppelgänger of Katerina Petrova.

I get up and mutter a quick thank you and goodbye and quickly leave the house. Okay that's settled, what to do now.

Hmmm I'll probably just go home and nap, I'm tired even though I just woke up a few minutes ago. I walk home and as soon as I step in the living room i see Grayson and Miranda watching tv with Elena and Jeremy.

They are laughing and having a good time, like a true family I feel like I'm intruding in this family. Like it's not even mine, which it isn't but they don't know that I know.

I'm happy for Jeremy, he's hardly ever included and sassing him free and laughing like this makes me happy. He deserved better in the show like a lot of others and I'll try my best to make sure they all get a good ending, even if it means I don't get a good one.

They see me and Miranda basically yells "where the hell were you, you didn't tell any of us where you went. You could of gotten kidnapped or got hurt!"

I roll my eyes yeah, like they would care if that happened. I start walking up the stairs to my room ignoring her and her loud mouth.

She jumps off the couch and pushes me, I fall onto the stairs. I glare up at her and see her smirk. She laughs at me and leans closer so Jeremy doesn't hear. She then whispers "don't roll your eyes at me, your pathetic and worthless slut of a child. What were you doing trying to get attention? Your just an attention seeking whore."

I look down and scream in my mind. Don't let her see you cry she doesn't deserve to see you cry. Your weak stop it pull yourself together and fight back!

I clench my hands and glare up at her. She drags me up the stairs to my room. She locks the door and smacks me across the face.

I hold my cheek in pain and she then proceeds to kick my rib. I curl up in a ball and wait for her to stop.

She's never hurt me like this, just a slap here and there. She finally gets up and leaves the room saying "stay away from our perfect angel Elena. We don't need you messing her up, and stay away from Jeremy too. He's much happier with us than you, your taking away his family."

My heart breaks at the last sentence, I love Jeremy. Maybe it's best to stay away from him, I want him to be happy. He looked happy with them and I would do anything for him.

He doesn't know about their abuse, he just thinks that they don't like me much. I don't want him knowing, it will break him knowing that his parents are hurting his sister.

He's supposed to look up his parents not hate them, I won't let me be the cause of his downfall with his parents. Kids are supposed to think kindly about their parents.

I let a few tears leak down my face, god I'm such a mess. I let myself cry at night by myself so no one knows. Tonight I can cry and break but tomorrow I have to stay strong and keep it together.

I have lives on the line here, I have to save them. If not me then who? I want them all to be happy and since the writers didn't give them happy endings I will.

I'm in charge now bitches, I can change anything I fucking want. It's my world now and your just living in it. Jk jk but seriously ima fuck shit up.

I wipe the rest of my tears and look myself in the mirror. Damn I look FUCKING SHITTY, wtf did u think I was gonna look like after crying my eyes out.

I, Lillian Monroe, or well Lillian Gilbert will not let those disgusting things get me down. That was the last time I'll ever cry because of them, I'll show them they messed with the wrong bitch.

Watch the fuck out Mystic Falls, you've got another thing coming. It's me and I'm coming for redemption for everyone who didn't receive any in the show, and no one's gonna stop me.

I may be twelve physically but I've already lived before, so people can try to knock me down but they won't get far.

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