Flee, and Supply

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"Fuck, I'm hit." Ren says in pain. Ries looks towards the front of the car and asks calmly "do you have a first aid kit back here?" Sovetsky makes a sudden right turn and says " it should be under your seat."

 Ries reaches under the seat and pulls out the First aid kit and starts fixing up Ren and says "it's just a graze you'll be fine." After a series of turns, Sovetsky shouts "Blya! I can't fucking lose them!"

 He looks around and grabs the rifle he stole and hands it to me and asks " could you do me a solid and go up on the gunner spot and shoot those dicks for me?" I grab the gun and nod. 

I climb into the back and clamber on the gunner platform, switching the gun to semi-auto and poke my body out. The first shot pings off the hood and the second wings the guy hanging out of the car. Finally, the next shot hits the driver and kills him, the car spins out of control and crashes into the other cars stopping their pursuit entirely.

 "fuck yeah!" Sovetsky and I shout. I climb back down and into the passenger seat while putting the rifle back where it was. Sovetsky looks over and asks while laughing " now where the hell did you learn to shoot like that? Your aim is almost as good as mine!" I reply enthusiastically " Once I got my citizenship here I got myself a pistol and a rifle and practiced every day."

 He finishes laughing and says " I guess that makes sense then, I did not expect a shot like that." I rest my head and after a few minutes ask " so where are we heading?" He looks at me with a slightly annoyed expression and replies "you still haven't told us why we are being attacked by armed men with M4's."

 I realize then that I still actually haven't told them why we are being hunted down. "The agency is a front for the United State government." He gives me a look telling me he knows there is more to the story than I'm letting on so I continue.

 "In the facilities they control they are making a virus, they would release it into the world to use the panic to take more control of the populace at large. Quietly taking our rights away from us." He looks straight at the road and asks shocked " are you sure about this. It doesn't make sense, why would they bring out only a few cars instead of a fuckton of cars for something this big?"

 "Because they know I don't have the evidence anymore, they destroyed it. Or that's what they think." I state while smiling as I pull out a thumb drive. " they destroyed a transmitter. I had it there in case this happened, you don't bury something that deep without it being classified and dangerous. Now I don't have all the data it was too slow but I should have enough to convince you and them. I just need a thing to plug it into to show you."

 "I guess I just have to believe you just don't fuck this up, our freedom depends on it." I nod and relax my head and soon fall asleep.

 I awake on a bed in an RV. I look around and see Ries reading a book, from the cover it looks like a sci-fi book. I refocus my thoughts and ask him " how long was I out and when did we get an RV?" He puts the book down and answers my questions "you were out for 7 hours and this is my RV we went to get it since Sovetsky said we might be on the run for a while so I said I own an RV and now we're here, you all caught up?"

 "oh, I guess that makes sense. Hey, do you have anything to drink I'm thirsty?" He grabs a bag of chips and tosses them to me and says " You need food, you were basically drowning in adrenaline you should eat after something like that. Also, bottled water is in the fridge."

I thank him and grab some water. Walking into a backroom to sit down I find Sovetsky sitting at a makeshift workbench tinkering with a gun while heavy metal plays. "Damn how long did it take to make this?"

 "About 2 hours, Ries helped a bit." I scratch my head, I was expecting more conversation. " Uh, I've been meaning to ask, where are you from?" He puts the tools he was holding down and looks at me with a bewildered face and says "Russia, I thought it was kinda obvious with the Russian accent and me speaking Russian every now and then." 

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