Isadore's blessing.

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 We stand around the table and finish up discussing the plan one last time."Let me get this right, We swim up through docks and into the base and make our way inside and get the data. Then we escape on a dingy and get to the Rv and escape. That's the whole plan?" Ries questions.

"Yes, you left out the stealth factor, but yes," I confirm.

"Well, better than the last one I guess." He adds

We each grab a suppressor and get to the spot near the water where we can get to the base quickly without being seen. "You sure this is the best idea?" Ries asks

"You dont trust the plan?" I taunt with a laugh.

He looks down and mocks me. "We're sneaking into a military installation, a little hesitation is more than warranted."

"I know, I know. I'm just giving you shit." I chuckle

We put on the drysuits Sovetsky acquired and got in the water, and head towards the docks.

"Ok guys, You know the plan. In and out quick, we dont want to get caught in the open." I tell everyone.

We swim for awhile, dodging lights and eventually we make it to the docks and climb up onto them.

I pull Ren up onto the docks and start giving orders of what needs to be done.

After the orders are given, everyone plays their part perfectly.

As we come up to the entrance we realize it would be impossible to get in from any of the doors without a key, since how strong the doors are. Sovetsky speaks up. "Keys? Nonono. Not gonna happen, give me a sec." To which he walks up picks the lock with relative ease.

"Since when did you learn that?" Ries asks. Sovetsky replies with pride, "I've had the skill since I was a kid, I just never had the chance for it to be actually useful."

"Wish you used it back in the scrapyard." I retort.

We open the door and head in. We sneak through the hallway and find a map of the building, different rooms and sections, and lots of floors. "Jesus there's a whole massive underground section," Ren says in shock and awe.

"The servers are in one of the lowest floors, near impossible to do quietly," I say, a matter of factly.

"What the plan then, do we continue as planned or change it up a little?" Ries asks.

I look at the floor plan and answer. "Continue as planned, if we have to we go guns blazing. We need to stay quiet until we have the data, then we can go loud." He nods and I rip the map off the wall and we go into the stairwell and start heading down.

"Jesus, why are there so many fucking stairs in this place?" Ren complains.

I shrug off his complaining with a simple. "I dont know."

After a lot of floors, we reach the floor with the server room. We start going down the hallway towards it and suddenly the alarms start going off, "Goddamn, I thought we would have a bit more time." Sovetsky growls.

In a matter of moments, soldiers start appearing from doors in front of us, were backed up against a wall. Ren starts laughing. "I got this, dont worry." He whispers. "Wait!" He shouts, every soul heeds his request. "Y'all ever watch breaking bad?" He asks with a grin while holding a bag of white crystals, where he got them, I have no idea.

"From the look on about 90 percent of your faces, I'll say yes." He stares at the bag and continues "I was gonna use silver, but that shit detonates under its own weight."

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