Calm Before the storm

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I lie on the couch and stare at the ceiling, I've been lying here for, I don't even know. It could be 5 minutes or 5 hours. Ever since the adrenaline ceased, I was so close to just collapsing, I had to force myself back into the Rv. As soon as I got in I just fell here.

"-ey, Hey! Cmon dude answer." my focus turns to my right, it's Ren. I sit up and turn my head to him. "Shit, sorry I guess I zoned out," I reply. 

"No worries, I totally get it. You were thinking about those things weren't you?" He asks. "Yeah, I was. Hard not to, I mean at the moment I was fine with them, survival mattered more than thinking about what the hell was in front of me." I stand and walk to the fridge as I speak. 

"Yeah, same here." He replies. I reach into the fridge and grab two beers, giving one to him while I lean on the table. "But now, I can't stop thinking about it." I continue.

I walk up to the collection of documents we've gathered and put them onto the table. "We need to find him and the data, that's the goal, always has been. We've sat stationary on this too long, we should get back to work."

Ren gets up and we start pouring over the information we've gathered so far, each document making less and less sense. "We have everything we need, why can't figure this out?" I say exasperatedly. 

"Yeah, this makes absolutely no sense. Some of these documents arent even legible, entirely mixed up letters. while others are just squares of corrupted data." Ren points out. 

"Squares? what do you mean?" I ask, confused. 

"yeah, black squares. No text or anything. Looks like it got corrupted during the printing process, there are lots of white spots and lines all over it." He adds

I put out my hand and he hands them over, I look them over. The spots and lines are tiny, just barely noticeable, but they are all over the page. I grab a magnifying glass and look at it again. Symbols, like a foreign language.

"What the hell, what's this doing out here?" I ask myself out loud. 

"What? What is it." Ren asks, thoroughly confused.

"It's a message, using Syndalim. It's a secret language used by the Syndicate back in Germany. Hard to crack, well if you didn't already know it by heart." I state.

"Yeah. I assume you know since you used to run with them? But what is this language?"

"It's comprised of just symbols, designed to seem like random chicken scratch."

"Ah. So you think you can decipher it?" He questions.

I look at the note and realize there are probably more. "Yeah, I think I can. while I do that, can you look if we have any more like these?" I say while holding the note.

He nods and I pull a chair and start deciphering. After some time Ren comes back and drops several notes on the table, each one black with small specks of white. "These are all the ones I could find." He says as he moves to leave again. I go back to decoding.

After a period of hours, it's done. the codes are all deciphered and with them the location we've been searching for. "I did it!" I yell ecstatically. 

"You did? So where is the place?" Ren says, nearly unable to contain himself.

I read further into the newly translated document, and find the location. "Nevada. The location is in the middle of the desert." I say with a bit of annoyance.

"Jesus, that's a long drive from here. With the military on our asses, its gonna be longer." Ren sighs.

"And a lot more dangerous" I add. I grab the paper and look at the driver's seat, "This is gonna fucking suck. I just know it" I swore. 

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