Loss Pt2

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I ready my knife, prepared for anything they throw at me. "Tome, just stand down. Let's talk this out" One of them says.

"The time for talk has passed," I growl as I start running towards him. As I close in I attempt to slide behind him, but he knew what I was planning and caught me by stepping on my chest and holding me there. 

My mind has gone blank, thinking only about revenge. Somewhere, in the deepest pits of my mind i start feeling a sick and twisted sense of glee.

"Settle down, your gonna hurt yourself." He dismissively says. I take my knife and stab multiple times right into his thigh, he falls back screaming in pain, trying to put pressure on the wound as blood starts gushing and spraying out.

"dumbass, your femoral artery is right there. You basically gave me a free shot." I laugh manically as I stand up. As I stand there I hear the sound of footsteps behind me, I spin around and see someone trying to stab me. I block the arm with my forearm and stab my blade into their collarbone and kick them off. With that the anger and glee disappear, leaving me empty.

I catch my breath as I watch the rest of them, waiting for them to try something. As I watch them the doors around the room slam open and dozens of people with rifles come pouring in. "I gave you a chance," my mother says with anger pouring from her words. "I'll give you one more, Stand Down!" 

Before I can move I feel the cold metal of a gun barrel pressed against the back of my skull. I put my hands up, "ok, ok you win. I'll stand down." I say numbly. The person behind me takes my knife away from me.

I feel the gun barrel fall from my head, but I keep my hands up. "Come over here tome,"  She says, trying to sound calmer than she is, but she isn't fooling anyone. 

that word bounced around in my head, Tome. How long have I been called that, and when was the last time I heard my actual name. Then It hit me, the last time id been called by my name, was by Dawn.

The fire, the rage. It all came flooding back, minus the glee. All it was now was pure and firey hated.  My hands were shaking. "Come on move!" the person behind me says as they shove me forward. I stop myself by slamming my foot forward and using the force to propel me towards them, grabbing my knife back and slamming it into their skull over and over again.

The feeling of bullets piercing my back not even registering in my mind. After the rage leaves me I stand up and start running down the hallway the one I just killed came from.

I sprint down the hallway, people hot on my tail. eventually, I see a window and throw myself through it, not realizing beforehand that we aren't on the ground floor. I start falling to the ground, screaming all the way. 

The Runnersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن