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The car ride is tense. Not a word Is spoken between us. We pull up on the facility where our friends are being kept, Guards everywhere. Rens looks at the gate and then to me like he's asking me if I'm sure, I only nod.

I pull out my pistol and mace as the car goes into drive and goes into the gate, slamming it open. The adrenaline makes time run slow and lets me take shot after shot at the soldiers firing at us, hitting most of them.

I open the car door and jump out. Someone jumps out of cover near me and I swing the mace into their skull with a sickening crack. As I'm admiring the weapon in my hand I hear quick footsteps coming towards me, raising my gun towards me and firing. Direct hit, he falls back with a pained expression.

"Get down! I hear Ren shout as he slams himself into my side and throwing me behind cover, seconds after I hear the rip of a Bradley's chaingun right where I was. "Shit, thanks for that." I chuckled as I light a cigarette.

"Hey, give me your lighter." He says confidently. I look at him, then my lighter, and shrug while handing him my lighter. He takes out two bundles of dried newspaper wrapped in rope from inside his flannel jacket.

He strikes the lighter and the flame catches. Lifting the flame to the bundles they start to jet out smoke. He tosses them towards the Bradley to cut off its line of sight.

"Let's go." He exclaimed, we ran from cover to cover trying to get closer to the entrance of the main facility, the bradley firing in our direction. After some time of searching, we find a side entrance near the main doors of the facility.

We look around the room for anything that might help us. Ren finds a terminal and asks "you can use this to find where Ries and Sovetsky are right?" I look at the terminal and see that only a door and light control terminal, "No, not enough access to anything major. I'd need a computer like the ones you'd see in the server room, but this thing probably has a map on it so it might still be useful." I state.

I walk over to the state-of-the-art terminal and pulled up the map of the facility, "The server room is in the basement and close to the holding cells, the nearest entrance is pretty close." Right as Ren is about to speak I cut him off, "that's pretty shit floor planning, what the hell were they thinking?" I mocked.

"So if the holding cells are nearby, can't we just get them out instead of going to the server room?" He asked.

I looked at the room around us and gestured to the things in it "judging by the design of the rooms and how new the terminal looks the holding cells are probably mag locks, which we'd either need a decently strong blowtorch or to unlock them with the door controls."

He shakes his head and asks once again "couldn't we just open the doors with the door controls?"

I look to the corner of the room where the alarm is going off. "The whole facility is on lockdown, most terminals aren't functional. The only one that we know works is the main server, even then it's on partial lockdown, I'll have to bypass the security to actually get to the stuff I want. And this is military levels of security, it's gonna be difficult.

"Well let's stop wasting time and get to work." Ren asserts. We run down the hallway towards the basement, encountering light resistance. As we get to the server room there are two guards outside of it, I shoot the first and smash the second in the knee bringing him down, and then bringing the mace down on his head.

"You know, I expected way more resistance than that." I joked. I kick the door open and enter the server room, and walk towards the terminal. "This might take some time, can you watch the door while I do this?" I request. He nods and I get to work.

"Damn this things security is pretty damn tight, a professional must have made th- oh god damn their dumb!" I cackle. "What happened?" He asks.

"They fucked up their code, like horrendously bad. Made my job ten times easier." I say as I stop laughing. "Let's go get them, the door to the holding cells is open now." I declare as I head for the door.

After a few minutes of walking to the holding cells, we get there. I open the door and dodge the punch that the man on the other side of the door throws at me. The man throws himself forward too much and Ren kicks his head into the metal door frame, knocking him out or most likely something far worse.

"Holy mother of fuck, it is good to see you guys." Ries grinned. "We were wondering what the alarm was for, good to see it was you guys," Sovetsky added.

I walk over to the console for the door controls and open their cells. "We're gonna have to exit the way we came in," I say as they walk towards some lockers opposite of their cells and grabbing their things.

"Let's get the hell outta here and back to camp, I'm tired." Sovetsky yawns. We start walking back to the entrance, once again experiencing little resistance. I open the door we came in from and walk through it, and immediately get grabbed by a soldier.

"Goddamn it this is getting frustrating," Ren growls as he pulls him off me, slamming his head into the wall and then stomping it. We all stare at him but seconds later we hear the Bradley start firing its chaingun again.

"I swear this guy is getting annoying," Ren complained. He takes off the backpack he was wearing and placed it in front of him. He grabs a bandana, smoke bomb, and a strange copper cone device. "Once the smoke engulfs the Bradley, go for the car. I'll meet you there." Ren says as he's pulling things out of the bag.

He lights the smoke bomb and tosses it, once the smoke has covered the Bradley he yells out

"Go, Ill take care of this!" He pulls the bandana over his nose and runs towards the Bradley while carrying the device.

The rest of us run towards the car and as we all get in we hear a massive explosion as Ren is running towards us, He hops in and we take off back to camp.

On the drive back to camp Sovetsky starts laughing and starts talking to Ren, "Was that the shaped charge we made?" "Yeah, I assumed it would work against a Bradley." The car is silent again until Sovetsky pipes up again, "Where the hell did you put it? Normally a shaped charge wouldn't be able to cause an entire Bradley to explode."

"I just pointed it towards the fuel tank, I just guessed it would do something." He remarked. Sovetsky watches the road and just shrugs "I guess that makes sense."

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