SIX: Doomed

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Almost immediately after moving into his house, covid stoke. Dream decided to drop out of public school and start going to online school. Online school wasn't much easier, maybe even harder.

Because he wasn't living with his family, and was now in online school, he never really saw people these days. I mean sure, he'd call his friends and watch youtube videos... But, he hadn't been in a 100ft radius of another human in almost an entire year.

He didn't feel down right lonely or like he was losing his mind. He just felt, sad. Not an overwhelming amount that he couldn't handle, it was a subtle thing. Like back ground noise.

When you're alone with your thoughts all days of the week you pay more attention to the background noise.

Dream almost feels trapped in this perpetual lope. Wanting to see people, but then being too out of touch to do anything about it. All he did was want, never do.

It's not like Dream was dying or anything... Well, that's what he'd tell himself at least. With all this time to himself he'd gotten used to his rampant thoughts. Sometimes he felt like the only person in the world, despite all his online activity and friends.

It's not i'm some crazy sociable person. I don't get why I need to be around people. I guess I'm just weird. ... I really should go out one of these days. I just need a break from this constant isolation.

Dream marks down a day for his 'outing'. He knows he most likely won't even attempt this journey, but decides to plan it just to fill the void. He needs to calm himself. Reassure himself, that he'll see his loved ones again. Or- anyone for that matter.

After doing his, he decides to just hop on his computer. Maybe some video games will get my mind off things. He looks at the screen thinking about what to play, even though his mouse is already hovering over the Minecraft application.

He does play other games, don't get me wrong. But, his sure fire favorite has always been Minecraft. Who can't get enough of block person hitting stuff am I right? Or, am I right?

He opens the game after a little hesitation. He's soon on his private SMP. He'd made this SMP with one of his best friends, Nick. Or, Sapnap was his username. At the time he didn't really have any expectations for the server, and well, he doesn't now either. But, it's grown so much since they first started. It was growing on him.

After joining the SMP, he looks at the online list, and sees that Sapnap and some others are online. He soon joins their discord call, only to find Sapnap by his lonesome. I guess they must have just left or something.

After about a minute of silence Deam realizes Sapnap probably didn't notice him join the call. He decides to speak up.

"Hey Sapnap", Dream say calmly.

"Oh hey Dream! Didn't realiz you were online. It's been awhile, how's things going? Do anything interesting?" Sapnap says, putting emphasis on his last word.

Here we go again. Dream thought to himself. Sapnap had been pushing Dream to 'go out and live a little' as he put it. Dream didn't think badly of his fiends behavior. It was just getting a little old is all.

"I've told you many times before, I'm already planning on going out soon enough." Dream says with just a hint of sarcasm and bitterness.

"So.. 'soon enough' as in never? Because you've told me the same thing for the past six months. Is it really 'soon enough' or is it too late?" Sapnap chuckles after saying this, despite the way it stuck to Dream.

Was it too late? What does that mean? Too late for me to see my family, or too late for a successful return to society? Six months. Six months of putting it off. God, I need to get a grip.
WC: 677
Did I make any mistakes, let me know! <3

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