TWENTY-TWO: Hair Parolar

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The women nods, then looks at her computer screen muttering some that sounded like, 'clay, clay, clay...' but Dream wasn't sure.

"Ah, here you are, Clay." She says smiling still looking at her screen. She then typed something into her computer and give attention back to Dream.

"So what haircut were you looking at getting?"

Oops, Dream haven't thought about that.

He freezes for a moment just as his thoughts were about to come boiling up, the women speaks up seeing his flustered expression.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Most people don't know either. We're a little behind schedule anyways, come with me to the waiting rooms. We have some hair magazines you can look at too."

Dream gives her the biggest smile yet. Very grateful for her actions and calming words. He might have started tearing up if she hadn't spoken up.

Why am I like this? All over a haircut.

He shakes the nagging disapproval off as he sits down and watches the women leave the room. She give as tiny wave, to which Dream just nods to.

He felt good. So good. How could he feel just because of something so simple! It was insanity. But he liked it.

He didn't care that he was beaming for the whole world to see just because he'd spoken to a desk receptionist. Well, maybe it was a little embarrassing... But the positives definitely out weigh the negatives.

He flips though the pictures only stoping a few times before picking one. It was just a shorter cut as to what he had now. He knew he'd look good, and that's why he chose it.

I could chose something new and different. But, that comes with a risk. High risk and probably low reward. After all, I'll look just fine with this haircut.

After only a few long moments of silence and thinking, the women from before walks back in. This time with another girl in tow. The girl look young. Probably around Dream's age.

At first Dream thought she was a costumer like him, but after looking down just a bit he realized she had the same black type apron as all the other employees.

Even more surprisingly, (to Dream), they headed right for him. The women keeping eye contact as the girl trialed behind her shoulders slumped and eyes that fell to the floor.

"Hello Clay! This is Kelly. She's new here we were wondering if she could cut your hair, or even, just watch you get your haircut. As a... Type of training."

Kelly met my gaze with a pleading look. Damn what was this girl going threw?

Dream shook his head yes after a few moments of internal dialog and battling. He wanted to help the girl but also didn't want to risk his haircut going into shambles.

The girl looked very grateful as she looked at the women with almost seeking approval gaze.

The women looked at a Kelly with a loving glaze as she patted Kelly on the shoulder and smiled.

Kelly led Dream to a room just the right of the enterable. Dream noticed that most of the costumers that were previously here had left. Good timing.

The girl then motioned for Dream to sit. He did, smiling like a child as he did so. He couldn't help it, the giddiness that over whelmed him still haven't faded and only grew the more time he spent at this little hair parlor.

The girl only smiled at Dream. She didn't know why he was so happy but didn't question it as his smile made her smile. She didn't want to scare it off his face by asking too many questions about it.

"So, Clay, what are your plans after this?" Kelly's said as she started at her work.
WC: 633

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