TWENTY-FIVE: The Heartbroken

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The trip from the hair parlor to the mall area of town was only a couple of minutes. He didn't even have enough time to over think. Good.

Dream got out of his car. A huge smile still plastered on his face. He'd talked to someone, even made a friend!

Dream used to have some close friends at school, but he guesses they must have lost his number or something. They'd just all stopped talking to him.

Or they thought you were-

He shook his head. Some rumors about him had just started spreading when he'd moved. He never saw his friends reactions to the rumors. To be precise, he never saw his friends again.

Dream's just happy he finally has someone he can talk to face to face. Kelly seemed really nice, and he couldn't wait to hear more from her.

He went in the nearest clothing store. It was pretty big. But, luckily only a couple people were their.

Two people were looking at the small toy aisle. They looked like they'd just gotten done picking out some things and were just browsing before they left. This was evident by their bags and the girl's tired expression. The guy didn't seem like he was in any rush though.

Next was the cashier, which Dream knew he'd be speaking with. He looked bored out of his mind. I guess it was pretty late, so it makes sense. His shift is probably over soon.

There were also some people roaming around, but nothing notable to report.

Maybe I spoke too soon.

As soon a Dream moved away from the doorway a guy around his age burst threw the doors. He had a lost expression, his face was puffy from what looked like crying.

He was about to ask the guy if he was okay when he suddenly intensely stared at the couple browsing the children's toys. His eye grew wide and became glossy.

I'm guessing he knows them. I wonder what's wrong?

Dream too stared at the couple wondering what the world this lovely looking couple could have done to the guy in the doorway.

He was just about to ask him if he could do anything to help when he turned around and realized the guy was already gone.

He looked like he was in such a daze, he probably didn't even notice me.

For some odd reason he felt a slight aching in his heart, but it soon faded. Maybe his body was acting up because of the lack of socialization? Has to be.

Dream stood for a moment thinking about the couple. He then turned back around to stare at the coupe holding their hands. What could they have done?

The girl had her long silky dark brown hair up in a high ponytail. She was wearing a grey tank top and a black skirt that covered about 2/3 of her highs. She had black stilettos on.

The guy also had dark brown hair. It was a little darker though, from afar it almost looked black. He was wearing a pear of blue skinny jeans and a thin white T-shit.

Maybe that's what there guilty of. Wearing white clothing. Ew.

He was about to walk away when he notices they're blue Xs at the nape of their necks.

It all clicked.

Oh. He thought. He was already crying, and when he looked at a royal couple he started sobbing again.

Yeah, that guy was definitely heart broken.

Dream shook his head, he had things to do. He shouldn't be worrying about some random heart broken person.

Probably was another idiot who got scammed and now doesn't have their love point.

Dream sigh, those scammers really need to be stopped. Maybe they could make talking about anything having to do with love messages illegal. That might solve the problem.
WC: 643

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