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"You wanna make your career in what??" Jin hyung asks with a mouth full of food.

"Hyung, please swallow the food first," I said.

"Yoongi, I understand that you don't wanna be a part of this business," Jin hyung said after swallowing his food, "but will you be okay in Seoul? What if they find you?"

"Hyung, I think he can protect himself" Namjoon spoke up.

"Yes, Hyung I can" I answered, "besides, I'm not Kim, so there's a high chance they won't find me"

Yes, I'm not Kim, I'm Min, Kims are my cousin, my parents died in an accident. From then on I live with them. But I never wanted to be a part of them, a part of this, all I wanted was music. I guess I have to leave Daegu.......

"Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon called.


"Were you not listening to us?" He asked.

"Umm, sorry," I said sheepishly, "I kinda spaced out"

"Very typical of you," Jin hyung said.

"We were asking, when will you leave?" He asked.

"I'll be leaving next week" I answered.

"Oh, okay" Jin answered.

I nodded as a response.

"Hyung" tae spoke up," when will you come back?"

"I don't know tae" I replied, "but, I will visit"

"I will miss you hyung" tae said looking sorrowful.

"I will miss you too" I replied.

"he will come to visit us don't worry," Namjoon said to tae.

Taehyung smiled sheepishly.

With that we finished our dinner. And wished our goodnights.


Chinsun's pov:


"Ugh...go away" I threw a pillow at.....I don't know who...

"WaKe uP, you sleepy head!"

"5 more minutes...."

"Wake up by yourself before I kick you out of your bed"

"Uh.. you're such a bad person" I finally opened my eyes, seeing a Jimin.

"I know" he replied, "now get up   and come downstairs"

"Okay.." I said closing my eyes.

"Park Chinsun!" He yelled, "you aren't going to sleep again, now move your lazy ass and meet us downstairs"

"Ugh, fine" I mumbled, finally getting out of my bed, my only true love.

I did my morning routine, wore a simple jeans with a blue oversized t-shirt and went downstairs. (A/n: forgive my fashion sense T.T)

"Oh, sweety" my mother smiled at me, "good morning"

"Good morning eomma, appa" I replied.

"Hey what about me," Jimin said, his lips forming a pout.

"You don't deserve my 'good morning' " I said nonchalantly.

"You're so mean"


"Alright kids, have your breakfast" my father ordered.

We both nodded and started having our breakfast.

"Chinsun" my mother called, "we'll be going for shopping today"

"What" I widened my eyes, "eomma, I don't wanna" I whined. To be honest, I prefer sleeping, shopping isn't my thing.

"Well, I didn't ask" she replied.

I huffed.

-time skip-

"Oh sweety" my mother exclaimed, "look at this dress, you'll look like a princess"

I hummed in response.

"Sweety, try this, this will look good on you"

She handed me a dress.

"Okay eomma"

"Hmm, this one looks okay," I said after coming out of the trial room.

"We'll buy this one then" she nodded.

Yes, I don't usually say 'it's beautiful' or 'it's fine'. I don't compliment easily.

After few more hours, we were done shopping. And headed towards the parking lot.

''Eomma why don't we go to a cafe or something '' I hummed.

''Sure darling '' she nodded.

She stopped in front of a cafe.

After parking, we went inside. It was pretty empty but it looked cozy. We placed our orders and sat in a corner.

After few minutes our order arrived and we sipped in our coffee.

''Eomma" I called,

''Hmm?" She hummed.

"If someone has a gun with them, isn't it illegal?" I asked cautiously but she choked on her coffee.

"Here" I handed her a napkin.

"S-sweety" she looked at me concerned, "why will you suddenly ask that?"

"Eh...actually" I started, a promise is a promise, I won't break it, "I watched a drama where they kept a gun with them and hid it from their parents"

"Oh," she said, frowning slightly.

"But isn't it bad?" I asked again,

"It depends on their motive" she answered, "but of course, if they aren't matured enough to understand, it can be dangerous"

"Oh.." I trailed off.  So.. are they matured? Can I trust them?

A/n: hello there👋🏻, so, my brother (from another mother)  is covid positive and my best friend too, I'm currently a bit down but I want to finish this story as soon as possible, in case I d-

Update: since I save chaps as draft and publish em later, my best friend and her mom is all good now and my bro too :)))

I hope y'all are happy and healthy;)

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