Chapter 2.5: Miki and Sakuya Shiomi Play Innocent Sin Online!!

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Sakuya puts his headphones on and plays Innocent Sin Online on the computer after hearing Junpei's childish banters.

After waiting for the loading screen to finish, his avatar appeared on a plaza square followed a quest message appearing on his screen to visit a player called "Maki" which he did after using a "St. Hermelin Student" Item Pack to change his avatar and after following the arrow below him.

His avatar then saw Maki being hit on by a player named "Eikichi" and walked towards them. He then saw a message in his chat box:

Eikichi: Wooo, a new player. Welcome to Innocent Sin Online. Greet them, Tatsuya.

Tatsuya: I don't care.

Eikichi: Dude, that was not part of the plan!!

Tatsuya: Who said that i was part of it..My wife will get mad at me if i continue playing. Where is Maya??

Maki: She's offline rn.

Eikichi: You are supposed to be in-character, Makoto!!

Tatsuya: Did what i said to her back at Gekkoukan hurt her that much.

Player: What should i name my character??

Eikichi: Hmmm.... all can i think of is "Naoya".

Naoya: Done.

Eikichi: That was fast.

Naoya: I'm guessing that Junpei is Eikichi, Makoto is Tatsuya and Maki is my beautiful wife in the entire world, Miki.

Maki: Kyun~. You got me, my dear husband.

Eikichi: This is no time to be flirting, you two.

Naoya: Well this is a game so its alright to flirt.

Maki: Dam Right!! '^'

Eikichi: Nevermind that. Hey, Tatsu-

Naoya: Ah, He's AFK...

Eikichi: Does that mean Yuka-tan called him for lunch already??

Naoya: Then, that's what i'll do when my wife calls me down.

Maki: Why don't we annoy Junpei with our flirting skills, Naoya ^w^

Naoya: M'kay. >:3

And then, Junpei as Eikichi had to endure Sakuya/Naoya and Miki/Maki's continuous flirting until Makoto/Tatsuya returned with a new player called Lisa.

Tatsuya: I brought my wife to play with me.

Lisa: Hello??

Eikichi: Hey its Yuka-tan!! ^_^

Lisa: Hey, Stupei.

Eikichi: Oh yeah, you should change your name to Ginko so that we are even.

Lisa: Bold of you to assume i have the "Change Player name" Pass.

Eikichi: Did you spend your entire credit card for shopping.

Lisa: Of course, I'm a well-known actress so its natural to go shopping.

Eikichi: So, How 'bout Miki. Did anything good happened??

Maki: W-Well, One of the helpers tried to flirt with me...

Naoya: Give me their name, address, and contact info so that i can hunt this bastard later. Kidding..

Maki: But i rejected him.

Eikichi: Is Sakuya afraid that his madamouselle is going to reject him??

Naoya: I saw Makoto and Yukari's daughter working on a hostess club with Mirai.

Maki: That hostess club in Paluwonia Mall??

Naoya: Yup. I cross dressed as the number 1 Idol, Sakura Kiyomi and saw them with some grown ups.

Maki: Guess i'll talk to her when she gets back..

Naoya: Aren't you getting mature, my dear Miki.

Maki: How so??

Naoya: After all... your cheerful attitude is the only reason why i married you.

Maki: >\\\\\< Sheesh.. You are still smooth as always...

Maki: Btw, I'm logging off. Bye my dear >3<)/ ♡

Naoya: I should do the same... (^_^)

Naoya/Maki: Sayonabye!!

>Naoya and Maki logged out<

KaiTalk Time!

Kaitou: Its finally my b-day and im very excited for later. Ya boi is finally turning 16!!

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