It's Okay. (Pt 1/2)

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"Dad!" A young black boy calls, a cheeky giggle escaping his throat. "Are we playing hide and seek?" He asks, blissfully unaware of his father that lays a few metres away. He can vaguely see a figure run out but he shrugs it off, probably someone rushing home to get to their family before the food gets eaten. He smiles, hoping that the figure gets his food.

"Daaaad!" He draws, walking out further into the dark. "Mommy said it's time for dinner!" He explains, kicking a small pebble. Soon, his eyes land on a figure. He was asleep on the floor. Or so he thought. He smiles, thinking that it was his dad playing a silly game of hide and seek and failing miserably to hide. "Dad, is that you? I must say, you are very very bad at playing hide and seek..." No answer and Sam looks down confused. Why is there paint on him?

Kneeling down, he shakes his father's cold body before turning him over, freezing at the lifeless eyes that stare back. His eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

"Sam- Sam!" His mother calls, the sound of her heels clicking against the gravel. He looks up, "Mommy, how come he won't wake up?" He watches as his mother freezes, tears welling in her eyes as she slaps a hand over her mouth. "Sam, go inside now." She demands shakily, adding to the confusion he was already feeling. His dad was sleeping, why is she acting like this? Hesitantly, he walks back inside, looking down at his hands. Then, he hears a scream and soon he's rushing back out.

He finds his mother sobbing violently over his father's body. "Mom?" He murmurs, taking a hesitant step forward.

"No! Please... No!" She whimpers, her lips trembling as fresh salty tears roll down her cheeks freely. Sam watches on, he doesn't think he's seen his mother so... Sad. Usually, she was all smiles and when she was upset, she did her best to cover it up.

He didn't know what was happening, he was too young to understand. He flinches when he hears sirens in the background.

"Mom! Where are they taking daddy?!" He asks, his eyes wide. Why is an ambulance here? The red and blue lights blinded him but he didn't care, not when they were taking his father. Tears well in his eyes as he pushes past his mother and grabs a hold of his father's hand that was deathly cold. "Dad!" He cries, an animalistic screech escaping when he gets held back by police. "Samuel!" His mother screams, prying the boy away from the cop and into her own arms, shushing him quietly as she watches them load him into the ambulance before driving off.

She hummed a song, silencing his sobs as he clings to her. "Why are they taking daddy?" He asks timidly, sniffling.

"Who found him?"

Sam can feel his mother tense underneath him but answers. Eyeing the police wearily. "Samuel. My son." She replies, her voice shaky. "May we talk to him?"

"No you may not!" She snarls, taking a step back. A look of horror washes over the officer's face. "I won't hurt your son, ma'am. If he found him, he may have seen someone leaving the scene. You can stay with him, if it will bring you a sense of comfort."

She sighs before turning the boy around. "Hey, mister." He says softly, his eyes warm and full of affection. "Hello." He answers, staring at him.

"Do you know where they're taking daddy?" Sam watches as the man's face falls adding to he like of other questions that were bubbling inside of him. The officer sends a nervous look to the mother who nods softly.

"Your father. He's uh. Dead." Sam tilts his head, his eyes scrunching together in confusion. "Dead?" That word sounded so foreign on his tongue. "I don't understand." He stammers, wracking his brain for answers.

For all he knows is that his dad was asleep and then got taken.

Maybe it's his plan of winning?

"He won't uh, be waking up..." He murmurs and Sam finally understands what he means. His breath hitched in his throat as his world turned blurry with unshed tears. A small sob escapes his lips as he freezes. "He won't be waking up?"

The man shakes his head, tears selling in his eyes. This was the worst part of the job, telling a family that their loved one was taken in or killed. Now, if it had been any others, they would've been a lot colder. Black people aren't popular amongst white people.

Sam awakes in the middle of the night, tears filling his eyes as he struggles to breathe.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.



He slings his legs over the side of the bed, not liking how alone he felt. Except he wasn't...

Before he knows it, he's getting slammed against the wall, a gloved hand over his mouth. Sam's eyes widen in fear.

Who the fuck-

Without thinking, he brings his leg up, kneeing the intruder in the stomach. Not hesitating, he punches the man in the face, before kicking him down. "Who the fuck are you?" He snarls, his eyes deadly. The man grips the trigger.

A gunshot rings out throughout the house, unknowingly alerting Bucky who was in the kitchen.

A vicious snarl passes his throat, disarming the man before aiming the gun on him. "Tell me who the fuck you are before I shoot your brains out!"


The man beneath him uses the momentary distraction, pinning Sam down once again. His hands latch around Sam's throat and before he knows it, starts to thrash against the figure. Oh my god.

He can't breathe.

He needs to-

Sam gasps, breathing in the air greedily.

"Get the fuck off him!" He can Bucky bark before a gunshot rings again. Sam leans back, closing his eyes tiredly. "Sam?" Bucky asks, gently slapping his face. Slowly, his eyes open again and he smirks lazily. "Hey there, handsome." Bucky rolls his eyes, pulling the man up. "You okay?"

Sam shrugs, feeling a throbbing pain in his abdomen. He places a hand over the affected area before dragging his hand back to find blood. "Oh, that explains the sudden dizziness." He chuckles.

"Sam stay awake for me." He demands, feeling the man slump against him.

"No, just let me sleep."

"No can do." He says shakily, his hand pressing on the wound.

Sam tried to stay awake, for Bucky's sake but he couldn't.

The only thing he hears is a cry for him to stay awake.

|| SamBucky (WinterFalcon Oneshots) ||Where stories live. Discover now