Just Keep Talking

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Sam and Bucky fought together side by side. He watches his left, Sam watches Bucky's right. It was all going good until the big boss came.

This was where the sight was tipping into the section of defeat. Bucky was down, barely moving and Sam was walking back. A few more steps and he would fall off.

Oh, did I mention that they're on top of a cliff? No? Well, that is where they are. He gasps when the super-villain wraps their hand around his throat. He starts to struggle as panic surges through him. He claws desperately at the hands, feeling his lungs work over time to try and get a little gulp of air but the villain wasn't letting that happen. His eyes flick over to Bucky who thankfully, manages to get on his knees, his blue eyes watching on in fear as Sam smiles before getting thrown off the cliff.

He yelps when the wind rushes around him, the sound of the running water getting closer and closer. God, he didn't want to die like this. He wanted to die old after living a good life.

He wanted to retire from crime-fighting and enjoy the little time he has left on a secluded farm.

Not falling to his death.

Oh god. No.


He cries out when his back collides with the water, the air getting knocked out of his lungs as he struggles for air. He grabs on to a rock, the strong current yanking him further into the water.

He inhales and holds his breath when he gets pulled under the water. Oh god.

He can't breathe- he has to breathe! He struggles.
And struggles.
And struggles.

Before his head smashes against a rock and his world turns black.

Bucky's eyes welled with tears as he watched Sam get thrown off the cliff like a sack of potatoes.

Anger pumps through his blood and he storms forward, picking up his gun and shooting the fucker repeatedly. Even when the villain falls down, his eyes full and empty.

He fires the last mag, his body locking up as he stands straight like a robot.

His eyes were cold as he stares at the villain plead for his life to not be taken. He walks forward, going down one knee and grabbing him by the throat, not caring about his codes. Fuck the rules and the codes. He killed Sam and it was all his fault.

His moves were terrifyingly like the Winter Soldier. Cold and vicious. Merciless.

His feelings had shut down a while ago, so he was working on muscle memory.

He grabs the man by the hair and drags him before robotically throwing him off the edge.

He watches with a sick smirk. Bye bye.


He snaps back and jumps off the edge, diving into the water swimming over to Sam.

His body was motionless, limply floating like a dead fish.

It strikes something in Bucky because before he knows it, he's crying. Sobbing his name as he cradles his partner. Fresh salty tears rolled his cheeks as he drags them both to safety.

"Sam..." He whimpers, his hands finding themselves under his neck. Bucky freezes when he doesn't feel a pulse and looks down to find himself using his metal hand.

Using his other hand, in hopes for some relief, he presses down harder when he feels nothing.

"Sam, birdshit!" He whines as he starts a set of compressions. "You better wake up, you hear me?!" He sobs, feeling his chin trembles as he leaned down and breathes, watching helplessly as his chest moves up and down as the oxygen passes through.

|| SamBucky (WinterFalcon Oneshots) ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora