Patching Up

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It was quiet. The sound of steady breathing the only noise one can hear. It was somewhat peaceful, well as peaceful as one can when firm hands stitching up your arm tug a little too hard.

Bucky scoffs, holding back a cry but couldn't stop the groan in the back of his throat at the pain going up his arm in sparks of unpleasant electricity. His arm burned but he couldn't do anything but sit straight and still and let Sam finish his work.

It's Sam who breaks the silence first.

"I thought I told you be careful?" He states and Bucky sighs frustratingly. Here we go.

"I was." He snaps grunting when Sam tugs him hard.

"Jesus, could you pull any harder?!"

"Well, we wouldn't be having this problem if you hadn't veered straight off the plan."

"Look, Sam, you were in danger, I wasn't just going to stand there and watch you get flogged by two super soldiers."

Sam inhales deeply, keeping a calm composure.

"And I appreciate it, but what I don't appreciate is you doing something stupid because of me. Because what happened if you got more than just a bullet wound in the fucking shoulder?!" By now, Sam's composure had shattered, and his voice was rising as he neared the end of sentence.

Bucky stands abruptly, ignoring the cry of protest from the man beside him. He doesn't need to get yelled at for doing something he thought was right. 

"Look, if you're just going to shout at me for saving your life then forget the stitches,"

"Wait, Buc-James, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out." He sighs. "Sit down, please?" Bucky considers it for a moment.

He doesn't know if he can take more of Sam telling him off without lashing out. Sam rarely breaks, the only time he got even close was when they first met each other again.

So, not wanting to anger Sam, he sits back down, hesitantly. With an exhale, Sam finishes the last pull of the string.

"Sorry, Bucky. I was scared." He mumbles and finally, Bucky turns before wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"I shouldn't have been so reckless."

After Sam cleans up and they're both settled on the couch, Sam snuggled up and resting his head on Bucky's chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.

"You have a really loud heart." Sam says with a chuckle and Bucky laughs along but in confusion. What sort of comment is that?

"I do?"

Sam smiles up at him.

"Yes, and now, you're heart is beating faster. Embarrassed?"


The room falls silent once again, the sound of the television becoming a blur to Sam as he starts to doze off from the warmth Bucky's body provides, and the steady thump of his heart lulling him into a dreamless sleep.

|| SamBucky (WinterFalcon Oneshots) ||Where stories live. Discover now