It's Okay (Pt 2/2)

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"Sam!" His roommate screams, jerking the teenager out of his slumber.  "What?" He grumbles, his voice rough from sleep. Or from little sleep he got. "Get up sleepy head!" 

"Fuck off, Barnes!" He huffs, snuggling further into the pillows.

"Oh, don't be like that, birdshit." Bucky whines, plinking himself down on Sam's right, watching intently as Sam peels one eye open.

"Go annoy Rogers or something. Or better yet, annoy Tony!" Bucky thinks and when Sam thinks Bucky's going to leave him alone, the sheets are getting pulled off and Sam's midway in the air.

"Oh fuck, JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES, I WILL MURDER YOUR ASS!" Sam screeches, letting out an embarrassing yelp when he lands in his roomate's arms. Sam fights back the urge to blush and instead scoffs. "You did that on purpose didn't you?!" By the shit-eating grin on his friend's face tells him everything.

"Jerk." He huffs, too tired to even try and escape, something Bucky notices.

"How much sleep did you get, Sam?" Bucky asks, the playful manner exchanged for seriousness.

"I don't know, not enough. Fucking nightmares about my childhood."

Bucky knows too well about Sam's nightmares, sometimes he has nightmares so terrifying that he wakes Bucky up from screaming bloody Mary, and leaving him to sooth the teenager enough for him to sleep.

"Fuck classes, you are getting your ass back in the bed!" Bucky declares, plopping Sam in the bed and tucking him in, shutting of Sam's protests with a glare.

When he goes to leave, Sam tries to escape the bed only to get pinned down, his face merely inches away from Bucky's.  "I said fuck classes. You are going back to sleep, if I have to, I will sleep beside you to make sure you stay."

"You are so stubborn!"

"It comes naturally."

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do."

Bucky smirks, leaning closer.

"No you don't."

"How would you know?"

Sam panics. Why is Bucky so god damn close to his face? He gulps when he sees Bucky's eye flicker down to his lips before back up to his eyes.

"Do you hate me?" He asks lowly, his eyes seeming to darken.

With a sharp intake of air, Sam shakes his head. Feeling his cheeks burn from the close proximity. 

Bucky smirks, "see?" He climbs off Sam, sliding in beside him and settling down.

"You tease!"

Bucky laughs and Sam thinks it's the most beautiful thing he's heard. "Did you want me to kiss you?" He asks with a patronising tone. Sam falls quiet and Bucky looks over.

"You do, don't you?"  

"Well too bad, guess you have to wait."

"Now I really hate you."

|| SamBucky (WinterFalcon Oneshots) ||Where stories live. Discover now