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000 ⎯⎯ the rebels



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Quick thank you to 1-800-QUEEN-B33
He's the best ever and helped a lot w this book so thanks bestie ily <333


Y/N took off running behind Kaminari and Kirishima. Chasing after them was the royal guard and they were extra pissed today.

For some reason the group had thought it would be a good idea to steal from the castle. The problem wasn't that they failed or anything. It was Kaminari, he opened his big mouth and got them discovered.

"Shit shit shit." Kaminari muttered, stumbling with his bag of loot. "Shut up and run! Where's Kyoka and Katsuki!?" Kirishima shouted pushing ahead.

"We're here!"

Ahead of the three, Jirou was seated on a horse and beside her was Bakugou. Y/N breathed out a sigh of relief, Kirishima tossing his bag to her. "We'll meet at the bottom of the mountain!!"

The girl nodded and reached a hand out to Jirou who pulled her onto the horse. "Be careful!!" She shouted as the boys ran away in the opposite direction.

The royal guard skidded to a stop and the leader, the prince of Japan, sighing. "Momo, Iida, go after those three! I'll take the other two!" Nodding, his two right hands rode off after the boys, while the prince rode after the girls.

Y/N peeked over her shoulder and groaned. "Crap, prince prissy pants is after us. I'll distract him." Handing the bags to Jirou, Y/N lifted a hand, grabbing a tree branch and lifting herself off the horse.

"You die and Katsuki will kill me!!"

A small chuckle escaped the girl's lips as she watched her friend ride off. "Yeah yeah." As the prince began approaching, Y/N pulled her bow from her back along with an arrow. "Here we go..." She aimed and released the arrow.

Spinning in a straight line the arrow grazed the prince's cheek. He sped to a stop and reached a hand up to feel his wound. Y/N snickered and jumped down from the tree, running into the woods.

After a minute or two of running she reached the end of the forest to be met by a cliff. "Great." The sound of hooves echoed out of the forest and Y/N turned.

"I finally caught you."

The prince emerged from the forest with a irritated face, probably because he had just be shot at. Y/N began to move back, this was gonna be crazy but...

"Come with me without resisting-"

"Sorry but no thanks!"

She flashed a grin, stepping off the cliff,  and saluting to the prince as she did. The prince's mouth dropped as he watched the girl fall. "She's crazy..."

Y/N grinned, her hair whipping by her face. This would be a pretty nice way to die- Her thought was interrupted by arms cushioning her fall.

"You idiot."

Y/N huffed, puffing out her cheeks, "I was cornered." Ignoring the girl, Bakugou threw her over his shoulder. "Alright lets get outta here!" The group took off running, whooping and cheering.

"Another success!"

"That was a close one!"

"We got so much goods this time!"



His father's voice bellowed, his disappointment obvious. Todoroki turned his gaze to the ground, once again he had let the rebels get away.

"I've had enough of you're failure. My advisor has composed a plan that I believe will work. You will be going undercover as a peasant in the village where the rebels reside. If you fail this time I won't be so forgiving."

The prince lowered his head, "Yes father..."

↳ [Edited]
I'm excitedddd

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