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Mina burst through the front door, Sero behind her. "We're here to steal breeakfast!" She cheered, skipping to the kitchen. Y/N chuckled, offering her a plate of bacon as she took a seat at the table.

"Oh morning." Todoroki waved as he exited the bathroom, bumping into Sero. "How's it going Sho?" He followed him to the kitchen, taking a seat beside Mina. "Everything's good." 

Bakugou handed the two plates of food, grumbling as he sat down to eat his own. "So what's everyone's plan for today!?" Kaminari fell back onto the couch, his head landing on Jirou.

"Ugh move Denki, I already told you we're in charge of chores today." She reminded the blonde, pushing his head off her lap. 

"I'm off to help Ochako and Asui with the shop!" Y/N beamed, stuffing scrambled eggs into her mouth. "What about you Sho?" Kirishima took a seat beside the boy, taking a sip of his drink.

"I uh- I'm gonna find a place to read." He muttered, holding up his book. The group broke into laughter, Kaminari choking on his food. 

"That's cool Sho- it's just you're so chill! How'd you survive living here for so long!?" The group continued to laugh, a small smile making it's way to the bi-hair colored teens face.


"Alright! I'm headed out!"

Todoroki waved, exiting the house. He sighed, stuffing his book into his bag as he started towards to exit to town. He waved to civilians as he walked the streets, everyone having gotten used to him being there. 

Leaving the town, the male made his way to his destination. It had been awhile since he had been there but to stop his father he had no choice.

He was headed to the palace.


"Father, it's me."

"Come in."

Todoroki pushed open the huge golden door, stepping into the throne room. He bowed slightly, looking up to his father. 

"Shoto, it appears you're certainly fitting into your role as a commoner." Enji examined his son's outfit, the dirt on his face, his brow slightly raised in disgust. "Is there a reason you're here? You're supposed to report to Iida and Yaoyorozu not me."

Todoroki nodded, sweat beading his forehead. "I've come to talk about my mission." He sighed, turning his eyes to the ground.

"Go on."

"I believe we shouldn't punish the rebels. They only steal in order to feed their families. Rather than arrest them we should provide our citizens with more money and less taxes-"

"That's enough." Enji scowled, "It's obvious your time spent with them has been bad for you. Your mission is over, we already have enough information anyway."

Todoroki looked up, his eyes wide. "No! Wait just listen! You can't-"

"Yes I can, take him away." 

The two guards stationed by the throne stood at alert, marching forwards. They grabbed Todoroki, him struggling against their grasp. 

"Please! Their not bad people! She's not a bad person!" His shouts went unheard as he was dragged into the hall and to his room. 

Enji sighed, standing from his throne. "It appears..."

"This whole town  must be purged."

↳ [Edited]
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