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...sorry ?


The crowd began to panic, people pushing and shoving to get away. Todoroki sat up, rubbing his head. He looked to where his father was perched, aiming the cross bow. 

"Wait-!" He jumped up, reaching his hand out but it was too late. 

Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Enji pulling the trigger as his son pushed him away. Y/N looking up, her eyes contracting as people pushed past her. The cross bow hitting the ground.

"Katsuki move!"

Y/N shoved the blonde out the way, all the air leaving her lungs. She looked up to her friends, all of them staring at her with horrified expressions. 

Jirou had her hand clasped to her mouth, Kaminari gripping tightly onto her arm. Kirishima's hands were trembling, his eyes wide. 

But Bakugou's, his was the worst. 

His eyes were wide, his jaw clenched. Sweat streamed down his forehead as his hands shook, his strength leaving him.


The girl smiled, shaking. She looked down to see an arrow sticking out of her chest, blood pooling on her shirt. She looked up again, her eyes reaching the balcony as she smiled sadly, blood dribbling from her mouth. 

Todoroki looked up form where he had pushed his father, scanning the crowd for the group of rebels. His eyes landed on a familiar face, filled with pain. 

He noticed the arrow in her chest, his eyes contracting. The teen froze, watching as Y/N's lips moved. She smiled, her eyes closing as she fell back onto the ground. 

"Y/N!" Jirou fell by her side, clasping her hand. Kaminari and Kirihsima dropped to the other side of her, panicking. "Shit! Her pulse is gone!" Kaminari panicked, tears falling from his eyes.

"What do we do?!" Jirou clapsed her friend's hand, holding in her tears as she looked around for something to help. Kirishima pounded his fist into the ground, tears falling from his eyes. "Dammit!"

Bakugou stood frozen, watching as his friends fussed over Y/N's body. He knelt down, a few stray tears falling from his eyes. He clenched his fist, biting his lip.  

"T-Thank you..."

The blonde lifted his head a second later, eyes landing on Todoroki who was now at the entrance to the courtyard, standing frozen in shock. 

Bakugou huffed, standing, he leaned over to pick up Y/N, the others sitting shocked. He slowly made his way over to the prince, his eyes turned to the ground. Stopping a few feet away from the teen. 

Todoroki stood still, staring at Y/N's still face. He bit his lip, his eyes glazing over, what she said to him flashing through his mind. Choking out the words, Todoroki clenched his fist.

"Y-Your welcome...I won't let you down."

"Thank you for saving them, make sure to be a good king."

↳ [Edited]
I actually hate this chapter wtf

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