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005 ⎯⎯ reality



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Y/N beamed, stretching as she entered the living room. She sniffed the air, frowning as she made her way into the kitchen, eyes landing on Bakugou digging through the cabinets.

"Lemme guess, no breakfast this morning?" 

Bakugou nodded, slamming the cabinet shut. "This is so stupid." He grumbled. Y/N sighed, "It's fine, we'll get more goods tomorrow, I'll take care of Grams today." She smiled.

Grams, the person who raised both Bakugou and Y/N. The two grew up like siblings in her house and were taught to treat everyone like family. So when Bakugou wasn't able to feed his family he got pissed, mostly at himself. 

"It's not your fault Kat." Y/N shrugged, leaving the kitchen to find Todoroki sitting up on the couch. His hair was a messy and he look extra tired. 

"Sho! You're awake! Perfect, you can come with me! Be ready in five!" Y/N smiled, swiping an apple off the counter. Todoroki rubbed his eyes, looking around.



"See ya later!"

Y/N waved as she left the house, Todoroki in tow. The two started down the path, making their way into town. They strolled the streets, Y/N receiving several greetings from passerby's.

"Y/N! Y/N!"

Todoroki turned, finding two children running towards him. Y/N squatted down, opening her arms. "Hey guys!"

The little girl crashed into them, the little boy tugging Y/N's sleeve. "Did you get something for us!?" The boy questioned, jumping up and down. Y/N nodded, "Of course."

She stood, shifting the girl onto her hip as she dug into her bag. She pulled out a gold stopwatch and a silver necklace. "Here you go!" She handed the necklace to the girl and the watch to the boy, both staring in awe. 

"Thank you!" The girl wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck, squeezing her in a hug. "No problem!" She grinned, turning to Todoroki. 

"This is Eri and that's Kota, they're Izuku Midoriya's little siblings." She explained, Todoroki nodding.

Y/N placed Eri on the ground, her eyebrows knitting as she noticed the girl's pale skin. "Eri, Kota, when did you last eat?" She questioned, kneeling down.

Eri frowned, Kota stepping forward. "A day ago...Mommy had to put the money you gave her into Grandpa's medical bills." He explained. 

Y/N nodded, pulling the apple from her bag. "Split this, I'll get your mom more money next time. Promise." She assured, standing. "Thank you!" Both kids bowed before taking off again.

Y/N sighed, gnawing on her lip as she turned to Todoroki. "Is it true they haven't eaten in two days?" He questioned. The girl nodded, a sad smile making it's way to her face.

"The reality is, we all act happy and make the best of what we have but....we're really struggling. Mina can barely keep her bar open and Sero already had to close down his tailor shop. Before last night, Katsuki hadn't eaten in two days because he kept giving us food."

Y/N looked up, "And it's not the best solution but that's why we steal. Because our tyrant of a king doesn't pay enough attention to know that his people are struggling." She huffed out a puff of air in frustration.

Todoroki nodded at all of this, taking a look around the town. Not once had he been in a place such as this, it shocked him. Everyone was in rags, dirt coating them, but they were all still smiling. 

He grimaced, this was...reality.

↳ [Edited]
I just had to include Eri and Kota lol

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