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002 ⎯⎯ look-alike



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Todoroki's eyes widened as the girl's response. Wasn't she supposed to be a criminal? Why would she help someone in need? She's a bad person- She's trying to trick me.

"Um hello?"

Y/N waved her hand in front of the boy's face, her brows drawn in confusion. "Oh um sorry! My name's Sho." Todoroki stood from the curb, smiling nervously.

"Great! I'm Y/N! Before I do help though..." Y/N tilted her head, "I must ask, why do you look so similar to the prince?" Todoroki's eyebrows drew in a line and he cleared his throat. "Sorry but I'm unaware of what the prince looks like?"

Y/N nodded, raising a brow. "If you say so...there's one more thing you should probably know before I help you out." Todoroki nodded, gulping down his nerves. Y/N turned her gaze to the ground, her lips forming a thin line.

"Me and my friends...we're kind of criminals..." She looked up again, a smile lighting her face. "We're good ones though! We give back to the poor!" The girl began to ramble about how what they were doing was for the best.

Todoroki bit his lip, scanning the girl. She didn't seem like a criminal. In fact she seemed quite normal. But there was no doubt that she had been stealing from the palace. Therefore there was no way she could be a good person.


"Are you okay with that?" She questioned, adjusting the bag in her shoulder. Todoroki nodded, "Yes, thanks for your help." 

Y/N smiled, "Lets head back to my place then!"


"I'm home!!"

Y/N beamed, pushing open the door to the house. She kicked off her shoes, throwing her bag to the floor. 

"Finally! Dinner is almost ready!" 

A smile etched onto Y/N's face and she waved to Todoroki, making her way down the hall. "I brought a guest! Please tell me everyone's dressed!" She called out, peeking around the corner.

Kaminari was laid across he couch, his feet in Jirou's lap. Seated on the floor around the table were Kirishima, Mina, and Sero, playing cards. 

Y/N breathed out a sigh of relief, waving Todoroki over. He stepped around the corner, everyone's eyes turning to him. 

"What the hell!?" Bakugou grabbed Y/N pulling her away from the man while Kirishima and Kaminari jumped forward, weapons drawn. 

"Why the hell would you bring the prince here?" Bakugou seethed, tightening his grip on the girl's arm. "Um ouch." Y/N shook away his hand. "This isn't the prince, the only thing similar about them is their hair color jeez."

She rolled her eyes, "Anyways that's Sho, he's staying with us until further notice. Everyone needs to be nice." She instructed, making her way to the kitchen.

"Now what's for dinner?"

↳ [Edited]
I literally hate this chapter-
so you guys get a double update

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