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015 ⎯⎯ true enemy



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Y/N ran over to the boy, relief flooding her. "How does the king know who you are? And why is he saying this stuff?" She grabbed his cheeks, scanning for injuries. 

Todoroki turned his eyes to the ground, clenching his fist.

"Sho?" Y/N's brows drew, a frown pulling at her lips. "He's lying right? Tell me it's a lie." She whispered, her tears falling faster.

Todoroki brought up his eyes, biting his lip. He scanned over her face, messy hair, red eyes, stuffy nose, and tear stained cheeks. This was all because of him.

"I'm sorry..." He apologized, placing his hand over hers. "I tried to stop it but-"

"No!" She pulled her hand away from his, stumbling backwards. "You lied to me! You lied to us!" She dropped to the ground, holding her head in her hands. 

"How could you?! Now Katsuki and Grams-! Everyone I care about are all hurt! You're my enemy!" Her breath hitched, choking on her own words. She began to hyperventilate, sobbing into her hands. 

Kaminari crawled over to his friend, wrapping his arms gently around her neck. He stared blankly to the ground, tears pouring from his eyes. Y/N continued to cry, sobbing into his shirt. 

"So dramatic." Enji rolled his eyes, waving some guards over. "Take them to the dungeon." He ordered, starting over to his son. He set a hand on his shoulder, smiling smugly.

"You did well."

Todoroki watched as Y/N cried, tears falling down his cheeks. He was speechless, he didn't know what to say or do, let alone what to think. There was only one thing repeating in his head.

"You're my enemy!"

Suddenly Kaminari was yanked back, a guard tying his hands. "Hey! Stop it!" Y/N reached out for her friend, falling forwards. She looked around, the rest of her friends being dragged away as well. 

A guard reached for her, Y/N swiftly dodging his hand. She got up to runaway, being pulled back by her hair. The guard quickly looped a rope around her hands, pulling them above her head. 

"Alright," Enji glanced back, smirking. "Let's go."

The guards began dragging them away, towards the exit to town. Y/N scowled, biting into her lip as her back was dragging across the ground, her skin beginning to scar. 

She glanced up, Midoriya's house coming into view. Several people were on the lawn, all of them looking to the group. A few heads broke through the crowd, running down past the flames.

"Let them go!" Midoriya and Sero jumped forward, weapons drawn. Mina poked her head from behind the two boys, Uraraka and Tsu behind her. 

"Don't worry! We're gonna break you out!" She assured, earning a scoff from the king. He turned, shooting a sharp glare to the teens.

Y/N looked up, her face drained. She gave a fake smile through her tears, "You guys wanna get arrested to?" She winced, chuckling. 

"We'll get out of this don't worry." Kaminari perked up, giving his usual grin. "Don't worry about us! Keep everyone here safe!"

Even though the two were smiling...there eyes were empty, holes of black. Tired and sad, tears still falling.

Mina's face fell, Uraraka clasping a hand to her mouth. "You guys better be fine!" Sero called, sheathing his sword. His brows knitted together, "Promise!" 

Y/N exchanged a glance with Kaminari, both nodding. She bit her tongue, turning back to Sero with a fake smile.


↳ [Edited]
I'm on a roll so lets keep going.

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