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006 ⎯⎯ grams



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Y/N burst through the door, "I'm here!" She cheered, starting down the hall. Todoroki followed behind her, turning the corner his eyes landed on an old woman knitting.

"Why the hell are you here?!" She looked up, scowling. "I told you I don't want any no good grandchildren who steal!"

Y/N pouted, "But Grammy we steal to help others! Like you taught!" She threw herself on the couch, a smile making it's way to her lips. 

The old woman frowned, trying to hide her smile. "You should've brought Katsuki, my shoulders have been feeling sore and your no good with massaging." 

Y/N chuckled, waving Todoroki over. "I might not be but he can try." She suggested, Todoroki shooting her a look. "Oh?" The woman raised a brow, looking the boy up and down. "And who is this?"

"Sho this is Grandma Mae, you can call her Grams. Grams this is Sho, he's a new part of the family!" She cheered, lying back on the couch. "Get acquainted! I'm taking a nap!" Y/N flopped back onto the couch, snuggling into a pillow.

Todoroki turned to the old woman, her brows drawing together. "Well lets see how good of a massage you give!" She waved him over, putting away her yarn and needles. 

Todoroki nodded, taking a seat behind the woman. He hesitated, placing his hands on her shoulders, beginning to rub small circles. 

"You're not bad." She informed.

"Thank you." The boy sighed, glancing over to the couch where Y/N was laying. "Your grand daughter...she cares a lot about others." 

The old woman nodded, a small smile adorning her face. "Y/N has cared for others since she was little, she probably rubbed off on Katsuki. They used to fight over who should have food when there wasn't enough, it always ended up being forced on me." She chuckled.

"Y/N thinks of everything single person in the village as family. If you lined up every villager and asked them to name one thing that Y/N has done for them, they'd all be able to name 10."

"That girl." The woman smiled, gazing over to the couch. "She'll be the very reason the kingdom changes."

↳ [Edited]
I love this chapter lol
another double update day

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