The Raider Queen

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"The Raider Queen", leader of nuka world raiders, tough bitch, 

Date of Birth: Unknown
Gender: Female
Name: "Raider Queen" "The top bitch" "That Crazy Bitch" "Queen of Knives" "Miss Nuka World" "Eagle" "Bloody Mary" "Firestarter"
Age: appears mid-20s

Little is actually known about the raider queen's origins, but her earliest known reports were only 10 years ago, when she lead her gang into D.B Technical Highschool, and wiped out Bosco with her gang. Her gang was known as the Combat Hunters, and often carried crude axes and knives into battle, along with guns. She however distinguished herself by carrying a flamer.

Scavengers looked around at the aftermath, of her rampage, discovering that she had actually burned most of the raiders, and found Bosco himself gutted, suspended by his own intestines.

She was known to run a ring of fights in the Combat Zone. She was known to lure people in, and often making them fight in the arena, often killing the captives who were not appealing, and keeping the ones that were. Chems, Slaves, and Caps flowed from the old theater. One day, she had captured a woman named "Cait", who was beautiful, so she was kept around.

Firestarter often used Cait, getting her addicted and dependent on the raiders to survive due to the amount of chems she was addicted to. One day, she encountered a girl named Elaine, who she decided to fuck. As she left to deliver some Slaves, along with Cait. Upon the return, they found everyone had been killed and Elaine had escaped.

the next time she was seen, she was apart of a gang known as the War Hawks, named "Eagle" and was the leader of the gang, often wiping out smaller gangs, and absorbing them. That all changed when they attacked the Forged. The attack left both sides nearly wiped out, and "Eagle's" face was left disfigure. 

It was later on that she was usurped by her second in command "Fox". Fox took his gang, but they were later found, in a large car park, being hunted and murdered, often having their heads removed. Fox was found days later outside Goodneighbor, starved and covered in cuts.

"It was a blood bath, that damn laughing came from everywhere, whenever we thought we were close to an exit, she would be there, and kill us. We couldn't even see here, she was like a ghost that just wanted blood. No one was safe, we would have watches at a barrel fire, and she would always kill someone sleeping, the look outs never saw anything. I got lucky and escaped, but...I still feel like she's watching me." Fox said.

He was placed into the jail in Diamond city, only to be found dead, no one knowing how he died, as his head was placed in the Mayor's office.

She was later seen around the Parsons State Insane Asylum, working for the Cabot family. It was only later, and after much time, that she met with Lorenzo, and broke a deal with her. She would set him free and kill his family, if she got a blood transfusion with him.

After that, the next "Appearance" was when she arrived in Nukaworld. She killed Colter fairly easily, as she made his own power armor his greatest weakness by removing the power core and placing a grenade into the slot. 

As Colter fell, she ripped off his helmet and smiled, taking a knife, she slit his throat, and made the following speech.

"You're old boss is dead, now, you have two choices, and only two. You can either fall in line behind me, or join Colter. I am now the Queen of Raiders, and you will bow. I have plans for this place, and if you get in my way, you will be put on display, bomb collars around your neck and given a choice, be a slave, or see how far you can run." 

She took control of the parks, and with help from the raider gangs, she plans to take the rest of Nuka world. She however found her favorites in the gangs, and it was often the more attractive of the gangs who kept her eye the longest. 

The Disciples were a gang she found much in common with, survival of the fittest. The Operators were also viewed in favor due to their "professional" appearance. The Pack however, with their habit with animals and over the over the top nature, the rarely found any interest in them as a group, preferring a few select members who she tends to "motivate into other gangs.

Some time after, she had a raid attack the Abernathy farm, killing kidnapping Lucy, Mary and Connie, and wounding Blake. The Nuka market was slowly growing a larger and larger slave market, and one that revolved around sex as well. It was later on a person came to "rescue them".

A young girl, maybe just in her 20s, was beaten and made into a slave, one the raider queen quite enjoyed using near daily, humiliating and abusing her for fun. This happened for nearly 2 whole years, mocking her telling her "that there is no saving grace in Nuka world".

Eventually, all good things came to an end, when a gauntlet runner reached the end and was captured. The captured man's friends showed up, black trench coats, glasses, energy weapons. The raider Queen killed one of the three, in her attack on the third, she scored a head shot, but the last second shot hit the slave's collar, breaking it, and preventing any use. Both managed to escape, and the Queen was not happy.

The girl somehow escaped Nuka world, and later founded the Minutemen, as the new general known as "Grace".

Show now plans her expansion out, preparing to take the rest of the park, and then the commonwealth, capturing "Grace" and the courser who released her favorite toy.

Next up, Grace, the Minutemen general, feel free to ask any questions you have.

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