Chapter Two

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A/N- trying to work on the trailer for this book don't worry! also this chapter goes into Elijah's life more.


Elijah was now living in New Orleans with his family. After he left Mystic Falls he came here luckily Aaliyah wouldn't know where to find him. He felt bad about how he left things with her. They only shared a few times together. The night of the Banquet was the most special of all. Then the morning after. He couldn't get her out of his head. His siblings noticed how closed off he was. But it wasn't his fault their family and life is all danger.

He didn't even get a chance to explain things to Aaliyah. But it was for the best. Even if the past hadn't caught up to him yet, it would eventually.


The Mikaelson Family is a well known family, not just because of their wealth but because of their lifestyle. Their family was/is still part of the British Mafia. Their parents started it back in England which eventually was moved to New Orleans. They are a well feared family. Their family consisted of two sisters, Rebekah and Freya. And five brothers, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Henerik, who died at a young age. Freya being the oldest and Rebekah being the youngest. Mikael and Esther Mikaelson were their parents.

Other members of the group are Marcel Gerard, Camille O'Connell, Vincent Griffin, Hayley Marshall, Davina Claire, and Keelin Malraux and other members as well. They formed the biggest mafia group in New Orleans. Their rivals are members of another mafia group they call 'The Trix', consisting of Tristan and Aurora De Martel, Lucien Castle and other members. Both groups come from England. As of right now they are at a truce. But upholding that truce has proven to be far more difficult. Soon there wouldn't be any truce.

As things settled between the two groups Elijah moved to Mystic Falls for a new start. There he started Mikaelson Enterprises, where in five years he would meet a beautiful young girl. What he didn't know was her life or past was as bad as well. And she didn't know of Elijah's past/life. He knew if she knew that if there ever came a time when the truce ended she might me used as leverage. Since it's happened to him before. He told this woman his secret about his life and it got her killed. He did miss her. But he hadnt thought about her but when Aaliyah got hurt it brought back the memories and he knew he couldn't stay around Aaliyah even if it was what he wanted. The Mikaelson's owned most of the city. The Trix owned the French Quarter, that was their territory. Already The Trix are looking to take over.

"Some of The Trix are poking around at Rousseau's." Finn came in the room where Elijah and Klaus were discussing business.

Rousseau's was their HQ or main base. Underneath the bar is their meeting place. Camille has the job of keeping people from figuring out what was underneath the bar. She also helps out on other things. The Trix have been trying to find something to use against them. Every member had the Mikaelson crest branded on their upper right arm. And what the Trix never found out was all their guns also had the Mikaelson crest on it. So every time before going into the base their guns are checked along with their arms to make sure they are true members. The Trix have used members to try and infiltrate their base. But the ones who have tried were found out and killed. Nobody, not ever, have infiltrated their business.

Each member had a specific job. Mikael was the boss. Freya and Vincent, they were the hackers. Finn was the right hand. Elijah was the second hand, the one below Finn. Klaus, Kol, and Marcel were the ones who carried out most of the interrogations and killings. Rebekah, Davina and Hayley were the pick pocketer's or the thieves you'd say. They distracted the men while either one of them stole an important piece of jewelry or something on the man. One would distract and the other two would take. Keelin and Camille were the ones who kept people from sniffing in their business. Their were other members as well like Josh R., Aiden L., Gia, and Jackson. They were kind of like body guards. Together they are apart of a fraction of the British Mafia. The Mikaelson Firm.

"What do they hope to accomplish they can't get in." Elijah said.

"I'm not sure. Do you want me to take care of it?" Finn asked.

"No I'll deal with it." Elijah grinned. He went over to his desk grabbing a gun from the drawer and putting it behind his back in his waistband then grabbing a leather jacket and covering the gun he hid.

"Come on Klaus." Elijah said. Klaus grabbed a gun for himself and putting it in his waistband. The two brothers made their way to Rousseau's. When they walked in Camille was at the bar and talking to three men most likely part of the Trix. She nodded towards a table where Lucien Castle was sitting and with him another man. Lucien turned to them and grinned.

"Elijah. Klaus. Come join me." He said.

Elijah and Klaus sat down with Lucien and the other man.

"This is John Pierce. My new body guard." Lucien said. Elijah recognized the his last name. It was Aaliyah's last name but there were a bunch of Pierce's out there he couldn't be related to Aaliyah.

"Let's cut straight to the chase. What do you want Lucien." Elijah said in a stern voice.

"I want this city." Lucien said.

"Well you are never getting this city." Klaus said.

"Fine. If I have to take it by force, I will." Lucien said getting up.

Elijah stood up looking Lucien in the eye.

"Till next time." Lucien grinned.

Lucien walked out with John. The men at the bar then left also. Elijah and Klaus went over to the bar to talk to Camille.

"So what was that about?" She asked.

"He wants this city and we told him he want going to get it. So there probably will be some battling for power very soon." Klaus said taking a sip of the drink Camille made.

She nodded in response.

"We just need to be on high alert now." Elijah said also taking a sip of his drink.

She nodded again. Aaliyah came to Elijah's mind. He needed to see her again. He wanted to see her again but he wouldn't. He want going to put her in danger.

A/N- yes i brought mafia into this. i don't know much about mafia and stuff but i tried my best. xx

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