Chapter Five

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A/N- should i add songs for y'all to listen to? let me know<3


He helped you stand up.

"Are you ok-" You cut him off by smacking him. He touched his cheek.

"That was for leaving with a crap ass goodbye." You said.

"I'm sorry but it was better that way." Elijah said.

"Yeah well do you know how I felt?" You crossed your arms.

"I can only imagine." He said. You didn't say anything.

"Why were you running from them?" He asked. Elijah knee who they were and they were his biggest rival.

"The past." You muttered.

"Oh. Do you have a place? Or?" He asked.

"I'm not sure if they have been watching me from the day I got here. So I'm not sure if I do. But I'll let you know. Goodbye." You said walking out of the alley. What you didn't realize he stuck a piece of paper in your pocket.

Elijah called after you. You just kept walking. You went back to your hotel room deciding to just fuck it. If they were to come for you, you wouldn't go without a fight. You opened your bag and grabbed a smaller bag out.

You laid the small bag on your bed then opened it. It was your set of throwing knives. Ever since your father you wanted to be armed. You pulled one of them out then closed the bag then stuffing it in your other bag. You went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. You reached into your pocket finding a note.

"If you ever need anything, just look for the biggest compound in New Orleans.
                                            -E.M. "

You scoffed putting the piece of paper on the counter and taking off your clothes and getting into the shower. After showering you put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. You took the note and put it on your bedside table. You looked at your phone and it was 7:00 pm. You didn't feel like eating so you just turned on the TV. You watched some Criminal Minds.

You turned the TV off around midnight. You fell asleep pretty quickly. Around maybe 3:00 you woke up. You sat up rubbing your forehead, you went and grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge. You then went over to the window that overlooked New Orleans. It was pretty at night, the lights and you could hear music. The city that never sleeps.

Everything happened so fast. You heard glass break and a pain in your shoulder. You looked at your shoulder and something had grazed it. It stated to bleed, you looked on the floor and found a bullet. You gasped, then the door flung open. Lucien stood there with a big grin on his face, Tristan showed his face behind Lucien. Your eyes widened, you looked towards the night table with your knife. You went for it but your wrist was grabbed by Lucien.

"We have some catching up to do." He smirked.


You were tied to the desk chair. You tugged at your restraints. No such luck.

"So. The last time I saw you, I was purchasing you and your sister, Katherine right?" He placed his hands on each arm of the chair.

You grunted frustrated pulling at your restraints.

"Well I must say, you have matured a lot." He smirked lowering his head and brushing his hand on your cheek.

"Go. To. Hell." You spat, pulling at your restraints again. He hit you hard square in the mouth. You tasted blood. You growled. Lucien looked proud of himself. He grabbed your chin roughly making you face him. You saw your arm was bleeding pretty bad.

"You need to learn some manners." He growled. He then smacked you. You pulled at your restraints. You felt your cheek grow hot form the smack. His phone then started ringing. He groaned when he looked at it, then he snapped at Tristan who was leaning against the wall. He leaned off the wall coming over to you and Lucien left the room talking on the phone. You pulled at the restraints again, it just made your wrists hurt.

"Your a feisty little thing." He chuckled to himself. He brushed your cheek then reaching behind your head grabbing a handful of your hair and pulled your hand back roughly. You hissed at the pain. He laughed. He then let go and you head bumped him in the nose. He yelled some curses.

"Stupid Bitch." He growled then punched you. He repeated the actions twice. Then grabbed your knife and drove it into your thigh. You shrieked in pain.

"Not so tough now, princess." He growled, then laughed. You were buying some time for you to get out of your restraints. You pulled out of them, he widened his eyes. You punched him, then grabbed the knife form your leg then stabbing him in the shoulder. He yelled in pain. You punched him repeatedly, dodging his punches also.

You kicked him in the stomach making him hunch over then grabbed his head and slamming it into the side of the table. He fell to the ground. Your arm was already bleeding and now your leg was. You changed out of your sweats and put on ripped black jeans and a jacket. You looked back at Tristan and grabbed his gun out of his waistband sticking it behind your back in your waistband. You winced at every move you made because of your wounds. Tristan began to stir awake.

You looked at the paper Elijah left you. Then you stuck it on your pocket. Then you limped out of the room. You were surprised no one had came to check on everything because of all the noise. You ran out of the hotel building.

You started running and wincing. You held your shoulder. Blood had soaked through the clothing. You groaned. You pushed past some people looking everywhere. You needed to find the biggest compound. You were starting to become a little light headed. You felt your head begin to sweat.

Then you saw a big compound. You saw an "M" crest. You knew it was probably the right place. You walked in, it was silent.

"Elijah?!" You yelled out of breath. You felt like you were about to pass out. Your vision was a little blurry.

"Omg! Aaliyah?!" You heard a familiar female voice but then your vision went black.

(𝟮) 𝗙𝗶𝗳𝘁𝘆 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗔𝗹𝗹Where stories live. Discover now