#1 Stan - Itaru x Reader (Fluff)

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"Thank you!" I had my doubts the entire time they were performing...but now, as the Mankai Company's Spring Troupe bowed, I was sure of it.

The sub lead of this play...the one who played The Mad Hatter. According to the pamphlet my friend gave me, his name was Itaru Chigasaki. There was no doubt about it. This man before me was none other than my beloved Taruchi...!

Ok, let me back up a bit.

My name is L/n Y/n, a third year at Senka High School. I'm a complete and utter otaku. Games, anime, manga, vocaloid, you name it. Somehow or another, it became my distraction from life...and my very life itself. Thankfully, it was never that hard to act normal in front of others and I could get more or less decent grades even with how little I studied, so it's not like my being an otaku was widespread in my school and I was bullied for it or anything. I didn't really hide it, though. 

I actually don't remember when I became an otaku, maybe it was my last year in grade school or my first year in middle school...? What I do remember is that I absolutely sucked at games when I started out. It was a real blow to me that I wasn't even good at the only thing I liked and efforted at, you know?

That was when I started turning to game tutorials and playthroughs. I randomly watched streams and noted down tips until I found what would be my go-to channel: Taruchi

Though he never showed his face, his voice was incredibly soothing and his explanations were somehow something I could understand easilly. His tips were actually super useful too. He even gave some thorough reviews on anime every now and then!

Over time, I got better and better at games, and I even got a name in the gaming community. But still, Taruchi was the unreachable and bright sun to me. I was sure I would be his fan for life.

Even if it wasn't exactly a secret that I was an otaku, I didn't really act weird or anything in front of normal people. They just knew I liked games, and that was that. You could even say that some of them are otakus to an extent.  I have what I consider a normal amount of friends, and I go out to do normal people things with them every once in a while for a change of pace. 

And that brings me to how I got here to the front row of the Mankai Company's theatre. One of my friends happened to love theatre and was a huge fan of their spring troupe. She was raving about the scriptwriter, or something. Since there weren't any limited time events in any of my games today and I thought the Alice in Wonderland theme was nice, I tagged along with her.

"Oi! Y/n-chan!" I snapped out of my trance as my friend shoved me in the shoulder.

"Huh?" I simply blinked up at her as she made a show of standing up and clapping.

"O-oh. Standing ovation. Yup." I hurriedly stood straight up and joined the rest of the audience in clapping and cheering.

The entire time, my eyes were glued on my idol. I wonder if they were sparkling like anime eyes do.


"You were totally staring at the sub lead, weren't you? Well he is good looking, but isn't he older than us? Do you like older guys?" my friend tapped her chin as we walked back.

"Agh, it's not like that, okay! It's um..." I waved my hands around as I tried to figure out what to say.

"An otaku thing?"

"Sort of. You know Taruchi, that guy I told you about? The one who streams his game playthroughs?" I toyed with the hem of my shirt as I looked down.

"Oh, the one you've devoted your life to or something? He's like, an idol for gamers right?"

"I guess you could say that...Anyways, Itaru Chigasaki-san has the exact same voice as him!" I looked back up at her, biting my lip.

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