Colours of the Sky - Kazunari x Reader (Angst)

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"N/n-chan...what's your favorite colour?" the boy with his head on my lap suddenly twisted around and asked.

I stared down at him and pretended to think seriously about it. When my eyes met his curious ones, I laughed and decided to be honest.

"Green," I had answered with a soft smile, running my hand through his messy black hair.

He simply hummed and closed his eyes, most likely not making a connection between my answer and the colour of the very eyes that stared back at him in the mirror.

"...L/n! Oi! I asked what your favourite colour was! Jeez...she's always spacing out like this..." my partner for my Digital Art 110 project exasperatedly waved her hand in front of my face.

"That's favourite colour was green..." I muttered in response, wishing I was anywhere but here.

"Was? So it's not now? C'mon man I just want to know your suggestion for the colour scheme of the movie poster..." She sighed in response.

Pitying the girl who so often put up with my overdramatic mood swings, I decided on an answer, "Well I was thinking of using analogous green colours even before you asked me. It doesn't matter what my favourite colour is. The movie we were assigned to make a poster of was basically a dark comedy about an unlucky girl who's far too trusting of her lover and gets left behind and dies of some disease at the end...right? Green represents luck, jealousy, and tranquility, so it'd be a good use of the same satirical irony if we used mostly greens."

She blinked at me, processing my words. I guess it didn't help that I just blurted whatever words came to mind, but at least it got her off my back. As the bell rang we both agreed to meet up sometime later that week to compare drafts.

"Ah, art college is really better in some ways. No stuffy uniform and too short skirt," I shoved my hands into the pocket of my hoodie as I walked to the cafeteria.

It was then that I saw him. At first I wasn't sure if it was him. His hair was blonde now and he didn't wear his cute glasses...and he was really tall. I could almost have convinced myself that I was imagining things again, my parents always did say it was like I saw a different world, but then I saw his eyes.

The same, pretty green that I had loved for years. seemed different now. More tired. More clouded. More...insincere.

I shook off my thoughts. They were baseless, really. And what could I do even if I was right? He'd cut me off from his life the moment he graduated middle school and gone to an all boys high school. I really couldn't decide if it was bad or good luck that we happened to be attending the same university.

I contemplated approaching him just to see if he remembered me...and maybe asking why he stopped texting me just because we went to different schools...but when I glanced at him again I saw a crowd of the more popular students surrounding him. Some were joking around, others seemed to be asking him something. From afar I could see him laughing, smiling, and animatedly conversing with everyone as they headed to the cafeteria in a group.

I'd decided. It's definitely bad luck.

I guess he doesn't need me now that he has a lot of friends. But it's strange. He didn't used to smile exaggeratedly like that. Was it fake? Or did they just make him happier than I ever did?

I turned and briskly walked to the library. My appetite was gone now. Maybe I'd just sketch in a quiet corner.


It had been a month since I started observing Kazunari. I never quite got the courage to talk to him. Not when he was trying so desperately to be a cool kid now. Knowing me would most likely just damage his reputation.

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