Sleeping Beauty - Muku x Reader (Fluff)

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The weather was perfect for a morning nap. Any weather was, really, but winter was particularly cool and relaxing. I put in some earphones and chose a playlist to wake me up, it wouldn't do to fall asleep while walking...not that I've ever done that

Soon enough, I arrived at my destination, Velludo way. My best and arguably only friend had been nagging me to go see a GODZA performance for weeks, so I reluctantly agreed to meet up with her today, despite my wish to catch up on all the sleep I had lost from doing schoolwork. I looked at my watch to confirm that I was only three minutes early, and sat down on the sidewalk as I wondered where on Earth she could be.

"She must have gotten distracted by another street act," I sighed as I closed my eyes, leaning back on the wall of a building.

I switched my music to a calmer playlist to suit the atmosphere of the day, which probably wasn't a good idea if I didn't want to fall asleep. And...I did.

Muku POV

"Mukkun, could you go and see if Hisoka fell asleep outside again? He's probably nearby if so," a harassed Izumi popped her head into the living room and seemingly asked the first boy she saw.

"O-of course! I'll do my best to track him down even if I'm just a good for nothing!" I smiled as I closed the manga I was reading and placed it underneath a couch cushion.

I knew they didn't like it when I said things like that, but it was really a hard habit to break. Thankfully, she was too distracted to scold me.

I put on an extra sweater before heading outside. The snow really was beautiful, almost magical! Sometimes I felt like pixies would come out from the branches and start making snowflakes right in front of me. Oh, and wouldn't it be great if a unicorn with ice magic appeared and let me pet it? Then again, it could steal me away to a land of cold and sorrow where ice giants rule...!

I hummed to myself as more thoughts of fantastical scenarios ran through my head, stopping only when I smelled hot cocoa in the air. I looked around and spotted a stand selling some across the street.

"No! I should be looking for Hisoka-san!" I chided myself and resumed walking.


"Well...if the hot cocoa has marshmallow toppings maybe Hisoka will smell it and sleepwalk to me?" I mused and started crossing the street towards the stand.

"One normal hot cocoa and one with extra marshmallow toppings please!" I ordered as I fished my wallet out of my pants pocket.

Sipping my hot cocoa and holding the one for Hisoka carefully with my left hand, I was ready to continue my search. By the time I finished my hot cocoa, I had already combed through every part of Velludo way where I was sure I wouldn't bump into GODZA. Internally sighing, I drank Hisoka's cocoa as well to give me more mobility and the strength to go into GODZA territory.

However, I found one of the most unexpected sights upon turning to enter the street where the GODZA theatre was located. It was a girl, around my age, fast asleep on the sidewalk. Her h/c hair with flecks of snow on it framed her soft, peaceful face as she slept, curled up against the wall of a building. It was almost like a scene from a Shojo Manga...

Entranced, I walked closer and crouched down in front of her. "I guess I found the wrong sleeping beauty, huh..." I smiled as a snowflake fell on her long black eyelashes.

"But wait? Why is she sleeping here? She's not dead because her chest is moving up and down which means she's breathing...What if she was drugged? Or cursed like an actual sleeping beauty? If she was drugged she could be in danger of being sold to a human trafficking ring!" my thoughts went into a downward spiral after that.

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