Bridges - Kumon x Reader (Fluff)

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The wind was cold that day. I had woken up early for once in my life and decided I needed to just...get out. I didn't really have anything in mind so I just wandered around until I reached a wooden bridge in the middle of the park I used to play in as a child. The sun was rising and I stared at it in awe. It had been so long since I was actually outside, I was always so busy with schoolwork.

Of course, as my luck would have it, I had craned my neck a bit too far and my glasses slipped right off my face and into the river below. Cursing everything, I leaned over the railing of the bridge to see what had happened to it. The fall was a bit high, and I would probably break quite a few bones or even die if I was the one that had fallen. The water was thankfully not rushing, but it was still moving quite fast so I had a bit of a hard time seeing where my glasses fell. Mind clouded with panic that they would be swept away and gone forever, I leaned over even farther, eyes searching frantically.

As luck would have it, a certain senpai of mine had been out on a morning jog, being the health nut he was known to be. Of course, this certain boy had just so happened to spot me and remember the rumors about the reason for my quiet disposition and assumed I was gonna, you know, kill myself.

He then panicked, ran over to me, and tackled me forcefully to the ground, which was still wet because of the rain from last night.

"What the actual hell?!" I screamed.

"I-" was the only coherent thing he was able to say as he realized he was on top of me in an awkward position, our limbs tangled in an uncomfortable mess.

It was a wonder that I realized what had happened when I was still so surprised, "I wasn't gonna jump, you idiot! My glasses fell and I was trying to see where they landed!"

I watched as realization dawned in his golden eyes and his face grew red, "Oh."

Getting off me, he rubbed his neck and looked down, probably unsure of what to say.

"Now my clothes are wet..." I sighed as I got up as well.

I looked down at him and finally realized who he was. Kumon Hyodo, the former star player of the baseball team and a year above me in school. A bit guilty at my harshness, I offered him my hand and pulled him up.

"Well, see ya, Hyodo-Senpai. I still have to find my glasses," I waved as I started walking off the bridge, having decided that I should just wade into the river since my clothes were wet anyway.

"Uh...I can help you look for them...I've already reached my target amount of steps today anyway..." he said as he looked at his fitness watch.

"...well, if it gets me home and changed out of wet clothes faster. Thanks, senpai," I gave him a small grin as he quickly caught up to me.

As we headed down he managed to ask, "So what should I call you?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, tempted to say he shouldn't call me at all, but his slight puppy dog aura made me bite back any retorts.

"You can call me y/n if we can find my glasses. Otherwise, just call me l/n," I smirked a bit at his confused and still flustered face.

"Ah...alright then..."

Thankfully, we were able to find my glasses quite quickly and it wasn't too horrible of an ordeal, we even joked a few times about what rumors our schoolmates would spread if they saw us doing this. "Sorry about this again, y/n-chan!"

"Well. it's not your fault my glasses fell over, and I would have probably gotten wet trying to find it anyway..." I shrugged.

It turned out that we would be walking in the same direction for a while but it was still too early in the morning for me to be able to keep up small talk for long. A breeze blew and I must have unconsciously started shivering in my wet clothes. "Here," he said, draping his jacket on me in a cliche manner. Why he had been wearing a jacket while exercising was a question that I would never be able to answer.

Me being me, I ruined the cute moment by blurting out, "But the bottom half of it is as wet as the rest of my clothes."

I looked back at him and saw his ears turn slightly red. I smiled softly and added, "Thanks, though. The gesture is enough warmth for me."

I looked away quickly, yelling at myself internally for the cringy yet true statement and missing the bright expression on his face at my words.

We parted ways at the park's entrance and he waved goodbye energetically. I waved weakly back and started trudging home with thoughts of hot cocoa.

When I got home, I changed out of my clothes and immediately washed them all, including his jacket. I can't just return it next Monday without washing it! My mother always said that would be bad manners. I have no idea why I'm concerned about manners in this situation, though. I rarely am. I also have no idea why the thought of his scent being replaced by detergent bothered me.

As I hung them up to dry, I groaned at the thought of my schoolmates. I unconsciously gripped the jacket's right sleeves as I pondered somberly. They were sure to start rumors once they see me give him back his jacket. Whether I give it back during lunch or after school there would most likely still be some people left who might see. Maybe I'd just track him down outside of school. Didn't I hear that he acts in some theatre company?

As I would learn not much later, I should have been more concerned about the other actors in said theatre company. Apparently, everyone there had hovered around Kumon when he came back drenched and missing a jacket, consequently learning about me from the blushing boy. One of the Summer Troupe members had offhandedly mentioned that the encounter seemed almost something out of one of his Shojo mangas, and somehow, this caused the rest of the troupe to conspire in getting the two of us together.

I got the opposite of the peace and quiet I was seeking that morning, but maybe that was what I actually needed in my life.

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