Curry? - Muku x Reader (Fluff)

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"Ne...Mukkun..." I put down the shonen manga I was reading and placed my head in my hands.

"Wha...what is it, N/n-chan?" He asked, not looking up from the shojo in his hands.

"Is it alright if I go with you to Mankai later...?" I tugged at my hair and closed my eyes.

"Well...of course...but why so suddenly?" he asked, finally closing the manga he was holding to stare at me.

"We've been dating for nearly a year now...I wanna see where my Muku lives! And besides, I'm curious about the script of the next play... I'll finally be able to put my sleuthing skills to good use!" I chuckle, thinking of all the detective manga I've ever read.

"E-Eh?!" his eyes widened and he nearly dropped his manga.

I could tell he was about to go into a flurry of questions, self-deprecating statements, and incomprehensible speech, so I was glad that the bell rang then.

"Hahah...the first bell rang already Mukkun! I have to sneak back to my school!" I jumped up from my seat and gave him my trademark mischievous smile.

"I keep telling you to just eat lunch in your own school if you have to run back in a hurry each time... I don't want to be the reason you're late..." the boy murmured as I disappeared down the stairs.

"My school's just across the street, stop worrying so much! Bye!" I called out as the door to the rooftop slammed shut from a gust of wind.

"Oh...she left her manga here too...scary..." after packing his own things, he picked up the manga his girlfriend was reading only to be greeted with a murder scene on the front cover, something rarely, if ever, seen on his shojo mangas.

"At least I have an excuse to pick her up from school like a gentleman..." he whispered happily as he opened the door and went down the stairs as well.

He found Yuki sitting on one of the steps, sketching a flower-themed costume whilst drinking some milk, and greeted him.

"Was that Y/n-san who just blew by here?" Yuki looked up as he crumpled his newly empty milk box.

"Unfortunately..." Muku rubbed the back of his neck as Yuki got up and tucked his notebook into his sling bag.

They walked down to the second floor together as Yuki commented, "Tch. That Speed Demon never gets tired of this, huh?"

The two boys made eye contact before laughing lightly.

"I really hope I can go to the same University as N/n... I still don't understand why my parents wanted me to stay in this school so badly...I mean, St. Flora's security is obviously lax if N/n can just come and go as she pleases..." he rambled as Yuki raised an eyebrow.

"Well, good luck with that, Wonder Boy..." Yuki shrugged as they parted ways, each heading to their respective classrooms.


"Mukkun! Yukki!" I waved at the two familiar figures as I spotted them waiting for me at the school gate.

"Hey, isn't that the St. Flora High School uniform? The loner must think she's all that for being friends with the snobby elite nerds there..." a condescending voice whispered, loud enough for me to know she had no intention of hiding her words.

"No...I heard one of them's her boyfriend!" a known gossip interjected.

"Pfft...which one? Aren't they both gay? I mean they look girlier than h--"

I silenced the normal whispers I heard around me with a glare.

Thankfully, I soon reached the two and smiled brightly at them as we started walking to Velludo Way.

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