Yellow Bird - Misumi x Reader (Fluff/Angst)

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I got to school really early this Wednesday morning, which was odd since I usually only went to school early on Tuesdays. I didn't see anyone on my way to leave my bag in my classroom, and I was actually sort of thankful for it.

When I got there, I considered eating the breakfast I'd packed but realized I didn't really feel like eating. I tried to sleep some more or just stare out the window but didn't feel comfortable doing... anything, really. But doing nothing also felt wrong, so I eventually got up and started walking aimlessly around the school. Maybe I should get something to drink from the vending machine...

I remembered that the vending machine was near the place that the family of stray cats liked to hang out so I decided to go there after all.

"Oh! L/n-Senpai!" a much too energetic voice called out from behind me as I opened my bottle of iced tea.

I turned around and, upon recognizing the kouhai, tried my best to give him a small smile, "Good morning, Kumon-kun."

He smiled back and was about to say something before the kitten in his arms started squirming in annoyance.

"Oh, I forgot Yuki doesn't like being held for too long. Don't want to get scratched again~" he laughed as he put the annoyed cat down.

"Yuki? Did you name them?" I asked as I bent down in an attempt to soothe the kitten.

"Ah, Sumi-san named them. He's from my troupe. He used to go here too and was friends with one of the parent cats so I took him to visit on his birthday a few days ago," he explained as he rummaged around in his bag.

"I see...oh did you say his birthday was a few days ago? Does Sumi-san happen to be Ikaruga Misumi?" I looked back up at him.

"Oh, you knew him? I guess you were a first year when he was a third year, huh?" Kumon put a finger on his mouth as he thought.

"Yes. I wasn't really sociable when I was a first year, most of my friends were cats. I met him when he was playing with that very same parent cat...When he found out I was eating my onigiri by myself he said that triangles tasted better when you ate with someone and from then on he became my first friend here," I recounted as we fed the cats some onigiri Kumon brought with him.

"It must've been a bit sad when he graduated," he said after plopping down.

"I guess, a bit. But I have other friends now...and I still get to see him when I go watch your plays. Though I do miss the quiet times when we'd just play with the cats together instead of doing self-study," I must have smiled as I sat beside him, but my face relaxed back into its usual tired expression before long.

" you wanna come visit him at our dorm later?" he asked after a short stretch of silence.

"There's lots of cats near there too so you guys can catch up while playing with them," he gestured excitedly and stood up.

"Oh...later I..." I averted my eyes from his bright, innocent smile.

"Sure, I'll go later," I nodded without looking at him and stood up to head back to my classroom as well.


An overdramatic gasp was the first thing I heard when I entered Mankai's dorm.

"Tenten, can you believe what we're seein' here? Kumopi totes just brought an older girl home! I'm like, so proud?!" if I remembered correctly, the loud one talking to Sumeragi Tenma was Miyoshi Kazunari.

"Get off me," he sighed as he struggled to get away from Kazunari's grasp.

"So who's this, Kumon-kun? A friend from school?" a woman who must have been their director popped her head out of the kitchen with a gentle smile.

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