Delancey Encounter

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(Y/N)'s POV:

After the sun finally went down I had to make sure all the boys were asleep, making it midnight because the older ones usually stay up for hours gambling. I was finally able to sneak out and down the fire escape.

I mostly stayed in alleyways to get to the bridge but I was always watching my back because of the creeps that lurk in alleyways at night. When I finally got to the bridge it was better than I imagined, the stars were perfectly clear and I could spot many constellations. I continued walking, hoping Spot wasn't on his throne so that I could have it to myself.

I was right, the throne was vacant so I laid down and made myself comfortable as I pulled out a book and started reading. I was there for a few hours, losing track of time on purpose. I was finally about to leave when I heard footsteps on the back of the throne.

"Well, well, well, look who thinks they can just steal my throne."

"It's hardly a throne, it's just a pile of shipping crates. Besides you're not even the king of anything."

"I'se is da King a' Brooklyn sweetheart. You'se is on my territory now."

I smirked at him, he was actually pretty funny but I wasn't going to make that obvious to him. "Well I best get going, Jack will ring my neck if he finds out I'm gone."

"Okay fine, and by the way, good job with Oscar earlier." He smirked and turned around.

I felt my face get hot, "how did you know about that?!" I demanded, who did he think he was?

"I know things." He smirked at me, acting like he sat higher in the world than I did.

"You were spying on me weren't you?!" I was so mad, he did not have that right.

"Technically I wasn't spying, Runna was."

"Yeah but you sent him after me, why?" I didn't know whether I should be flattered or completely angry.

"I-I um..."

"Um, what? Tell me." I lifted my eyebrow and crossed my arms to show I was waiting.

"Look, I'se don't know what it is okay? I'se jus' feels a little protective of you'se, not in the way ya brudda does. I'se just wanted to know someone was makin' soir you'se was safe. That's all, is dat okay?" His cheeks were turning pink and I had to try and hold back a laugh because he looked adorable.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, that's fine. Just, let me know first next time please."

"Y-yeah soir, but you'se neva gonna actually see Runna. Dats 'is job, ta spy an' not get caught."

"Fine, it might be nice to know I'm safe but if either of y'all overstep your boundaries I'm telling my brother and I can promise that you'll never see me again."

"Yes ma'am!" Spot stood at attention like a soldier and then we both started laughing. It was nice to laugh with him. For some reason I liked being in his presence, it was comforting.

"Well, I better get home before Jack realizes I'm gone and kills me."

"Jus' be safe, an' if ya not den I'se will know." He smirked at me one last time before I turned to leave. "An' hey, if ya want, you'se can come here as much as you want to read. Jus' don't run inta my boys, they might hoit ya."

I smiled and then headed back across the bridge. I noticed an eerie figure walking towards me but I didn't know whether to head back or trust that Runner was watching in case something happened. I kept walking and then froze when I noticed there were two men, the other one came out from behind the first. I started to slowly back up when I heard a familiar voice.

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