Da Refuge

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Spot's POV:

All I remember was that it was getting dark and I was supposed to be meeting (y/n) at the bridge by midnight. I had started to head out the door of the lodging house when I felt someone put a piece of cloth tight to my face. In the next moment or two everything went black and I was falling to the ground.

I don't know for sure how much time had passed but I woke up somewhere that I would never forget. I hated this place, always have, always will. The screams of underaged boys filled the halls. Why was I back here? I haven't done anything to be here, well besides knocking out the Delancey Brothers, but that doesn't count, right?

I tried to sit up on the bed, more like a pile of rocks, but I felt tons of sharp pains shoot through my body causing me to lay back down. What had happened to me? I was so confused. Oh no, what about Fox, she probably thinks I bailed on her and probably never wants to see me again. I don't know what I'm going to do now. I would be able to escape but seeing as to, I can't get up that plan is out.

"Well would ya look who's awake." I heard a familiar voice and I automatically wanted to throw a punch.

"What about it Oscar, looks like ol' pretty boy is ready for us ta give 'im a taste'a 'is own medicine." I could hear the smirk in the two brothers' voices.

"What do ya want wit me?"

Oscar walked over to where I could now see him clearly. "Well, when we told da Snyda's dat you'se had their missin' baby goil-"

"And about what ya did ta us," Morris cut in.

"Yeah, an' dey didn' 'preciate it so much. So, dey sent us ta get ya and bring ya ta ya new forev'a home." Oscar's smirk grew even more and my urge to punch him only grew.

"My newsies will find me, an' when dey do you'se will be six feet unda, I guarantee it."

"In ya dreams pretty boy."

The next thing I knew was they both came at me. I've never been a weak person but I've also never been in this much pain. I saw red until everything went completely black. 

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