Caught- 1

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Tw: none i dont think, mentions of character deaths and some fanon stuff, and it starts off as naegiri! Also this is fluff- but i think its also angst? I dunno thats rlly up to you!

Makoto has been dating Kyoko for a while now, after the first death of Maizono and execution for Kuwata he really just wanted someone to be able to comfort him, he can barely even go into his own bathroom without feeling like he was gonna get sick. One thing led to another and they both became a thing. Byakuya, on one hand, was most certainly not as excited for them like everyone else. He wasn't exactly sure as to why at first, since he hates every single one of them with every fiber of his being, not to mention he trusts no one but himself, but it didn't take long before he found himself staring at the small boy more and more.

It ended up turning out that both boys had a crush on one another, and they made it extremely obvious. They would stare, Makoto would always to seem to blush even at the mention of the blonde's name, and Byakuya- well, all it took was Makoto showing his hopeful personality which he did all the time, to make his heart feel like it's gonna burst.

At once, another murder had taken place. Both Byakuya and Makoto had been arguing about who goes into the locker room first, considering they're both boys and aren't allowed in the girls locker rooms, but Monokuma stated that both rooms are unlocked. Makoto slowly pushed the big pink door open, and out came a shocked yell that pierced through Togami's ears. The sight in front of them: Chihiro Fujisaki, put up in a certain type of position as if the culprit wanted to show off their work, like they were proud of what they did to the poor girl. Makoto, without thinking, ran up to the body, then followed Byakuya, and at last the other students. Thats when they heard it:

Ding dong, dong ding!

Their heads turned, and Monokuma showed up onto the small screen:

"A BODY has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you'd like; the class trial will begin!"

That was it, the body discovery announcement. With a sad kind of tension in the air, they all began talking amongst one another, Kyoko walking up to the hung up body and began investigating it further; how can she just do that?
After a while of talking, Byakuya grabbed the small boys shoulder "I'd like you to assist me on this investigation." Makoto looked up at the nervous blonde and nodded his head, both of them making their way out of the room once Makoto discovered all he needed and headed downstairs to the Library. Byakuya pulled Naegi into a small, closet area in the back, then he just stood behind what looked like a step ladder of some sort, his arms crossed and his eyes gazing around at all the books, but Makoto was lost- what exactly is in here that could be a clue as to who the blackened is?

"Um...what should i be looking for?"
"Well, if you actually used your eyes and pea sized brain you would find a file of some type." The tall male scoffed, now leaning against a shelf to his right and making the files more noticeable. Makoto rolled his eyes and walked over, grabbing the file and opening it, skipping through it. It's all of Genocide Jack's murders, but it very similarly reminds him of-
"You dont think-"
"If I didn't think Genocide Jack commited this murder, I wouldn't have even brought you here."
"Well ok, but is it really possible that an infamous serial killer is hiding among us?"

With a sigh, the annoyance rang through his head as Togami made his way behind Makoto, placing one hand onto his waist and letting it fall to his hip, his chest practically pressed to the small boys back as his other arm reaches around and begins pointing at pictures and words, making Makoto tell him all the connections and how this could be the case; Genocide Jack being one of the fifteen students. While it started making sense, the feeling of Byakuya's warm breath against his ear as well as his soft but arrogant voice, he really found it hard to focus on what he was looking down at.

After about half an hour of talking, explaining, and a bit of arguing, Naegi finally understood, and started to put the file back, before it was taken from him. Byakuya slid it onto a shelf behind him, making sure to hide it from Makoto. His hand then came to his chin as he slowly lifted the boys head up, his eyes looking down into his, and he only let out another scoff
"Blushing? What, do you think I wanna kiss you?"
"Based on how close you are; yes! Unless you're fucking with me!"
"...I'm not...effing with you right now." And with those last words, he leaned down and kissed Naegi, finally shutting him up. While the kiss caught Makoto by surprise, he was more than happy to return the kiss, unsure on where to put his hands so he just shoved them into the pockets on his jacket.


The door flew open and the two jumped, their necks practically breaking as they turn to see a dumbfounded Kyoko standing there. There was definitely awkwardness in the air, with Kyoko's lips turning up into a smile, Makoto's eyes wide with embarrassment as his blush reached the tip of his ears and Byakuya's somewhat annoyed and nervous expression, but he really only just pulled Makoto closer to himself.

"I'm not mad, i saw this coming."
"You saw nothing coming, Kirigiri."

With a small snort from Kyoko, she said "Look, you can do each other after the class trial, we need to go meet up with Celeste and the others to finish the investigation. I hope you two found something useful, besides each others tongues in your m-"

She simply shrugged and made her way out, the two boys following with Makoto wrapped around Byakuya's arm, but he only pushed him off once the other students came into view.

||A.N: ITS RLLY BAD BUT I WAS TRYING TO THINK OF OTHER THINGS TO SAY OTHER THAN THEIR NAMES- CAN SOMEONE HELP WITH THAT? otherwise, i hope this was pretty enjoyable! Also i am aware of chihiro being a boy, however /they/ dont know at that point yet, so im trying to make it as canon as possible. Im also sorry for getting this out late, i stayed up all night working on a byakuya edit!||

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