Punishment Time- 5

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Tw: bdsm mentions, spanking, rough, cuffed, edging mentions, teasing mentions
Post-killing game!
(im sorry talk about strap ons make me feel uncomfortable! I hope that term is fine-)

Makoto had been being a brat all day. He wouldn't listen to Byakuya when she would tell him to stop bothering him, he's made multiple messes and left for the taller to clean up, if not too energetic then way too lazy, and overall just being a complete asshole to his girlfriend.

Granted, he is the bottom submissive so neither ever had a problem with it- toxic relationship wise, actually their relationship is very healthy. However, through the bdsm aspect, it really got a Byakuya heated- though he doesn't like to cuss, man did she want to degrade the boy and put him in his place. Well, I guess it is bold to assume both didn't happen this time.

Hours later after a hard scolding from the female, Makoto obviously rolling his eyes at her, giving her pouts and overall blocking her out, he found himself cuffed to the bed- only his hands- and his pants ripped off his body, his hoodie lifted up where the blonde was teasing the brunette's pink, soft nipples.

Makoto let out whines and pleas, wanting Byakuya to "stop" but they both knew he loved the feeling and would do anything to get more.

More so, he really had been acting that way because Byakuya hasn't "punished" him in a while, and he really just wanted his girlfriend to rail him and edge him until he was a whimpering, drooling and slutty mess. Well...really only thing he's getting is edged and teased.

"B-byakuya please le- ah!~" The submissive boy's sentence was cut off when he felt a tight squeeze on his throbbing red member, which caused a bullet of pleasure mixed in with pain shoot through his spine, and making his back arch. Hours if this went on, or it at least felt like hours, it's only been 40 minutes.

"Hm...I'll give you what you want, however that slutty little mouth of yours is gonna make mommy a promise..." Byakuya trailed her sentence off, grabbing Makoto's jaw and pulling his face up and close to her face, and the small tight squeeze only make Makoto whine. The blonde continues "...you're gonna be good after this, you're gonna leave me alone and you are to stay in this room until i'm done working, got it?" The way she asked sounded more like a statement than a question, and to that promise Makoto nodded eagerly, vigorously. Man was he needy.

With that out of the way, the roughness only went up from here. Byakuya undressed herself, making the sub watch with drool dripping down his chin. once Byakuya had done all she needed, putting in what she needed she took the cuffs iff the boy and positioned him into a doggy style type, then pushed his head down into the mattress and cuffed his hands again, this time behind his back- as if his wrists weren't red and sore enough. The taller, too lost in her own thoughts at the sight of her boyfriend round, perky ass began to push in, but stopped and softened "baby, you are okay with this right?" While she can be pretty evil and aggressive, she wouldn't be a real dom nor a good girlfriend if she didn't ask for consent. This turning Makoto on even more, he nodded his head "y-yes! Please...and ha-hard too please?~" the lust in the tone of his voice always reassured her as well, mainly just knowing he's still in the mood since he has a tendency to get shy right before and want to back out- topping or bottoming.

With this agreement, she slowly pushed herself into the entrance in front of her, grabbing at his hips and roughly pulling them back towards her so she goes all the way in. This made Makoto yelp out and even squeal out in pain, but it felt better than-


The boy's small body jumped, then began to grip the blankets under him in small fists, feeling his girlfriend move his hips forward and backward in her member, which sure enough was much bigger than his...it kind of sucked.

The faster his girlfriend went, the louder his lewd sounds got, the more drool that dribbled down his chin and the more smacks to his ass he got. Occasionally he would try to form sentences such as "h-ha-ah..~ harder!~" or 'm-mor- ngh!~!' But really all that came out were his small little whines and weeps of ecstasy. He was sure he was already close, but he held back simply knowing he would be in more trouble if he came before his dom, it's a rule and he's sticking to it- after all he is very obedient, 'an absolute angel' is how Byakuya would describe him. Of course these thoughts made her fuck her small boyfriend harder, her own small grunts and occasional whines filling the air along with the sound of skin hitting against skin and Makoto's begging, and of course the occasional degradation from Byakuya.

——— time skip in the name of tankman captain ———

Finally after they both reach their climaxes and ride their orgasms out, Byakuya carried her trembling boyfriend to the shower to clean him up.

Makoto slumped his body onto hers, his head resting on her chest and using her breasts as pillows, as he always does but can you blame him? They're big enough...and really comfy!

He felt his eyes get heavy and a smile tug on the corners of his lips as he feels the woman's long, slender fingers gently massage the soap through his previously sweaty hair, and his only other reaction as a 'thank you' was to hold his arms around her middle, occasionally giggling and chuckling to himself as he thinks back to everything he had to do to get to this point, and boy did he try hard today to get in the poor girls nerves.

They exchanged few to no words the rest of the night. Makoto had been dressed into a new pair of boxers and one of his girlfriends T-shirts, and because she is a bit chubbier in some places her shirts fit perfectly big on him, which Byakuya admired the most. How innocent and sweet her sub looked, just sitting on the edge of the counter and waiting to be picked up and taken to bed, his hair bouncing softly along with his cute little ahoge while he swings his feet back and forth. She sighed, though he may look innocent, man is he the kinkiest person shes ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Once both were dressed and ready to relax, she tucked Makoto down into the fluffy blankets, giving him a small kiss to his forehead.

"I love you, sweet pea." Even she cringed at the nickname. No matter how soft she is fir Makoto she is still Byakuya Togami, someone like her barely wve uses 'baby' let alone something cheesy like 'sweet pea' but...the brunette seemed to enjoy the name- a smile wide spread across his face as his grayed-out hazel eyes fluttered to close.
"I love you too!" He snuggled himself deeper under the covers and within seconds, he was fast asleep, his loud snores making Byakuya roll her eyes and quickly make her way out of the bedroom and back into her office, where she sat and continued her work from before, smiling the whole night thinking about the one and only person she genuinely liked, hell loved.

Word count: 1283
||a.n: wooo more smut- um again i hope using the word futa is fine- hm listen to that one popular song by Molchat Doma, its so ghat dayum good, especially while reading angst, yw||

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