Mistletoe Kisses- 9

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I know its the end of june but bear with me here i have no ideas
Fluff so hard its gross
Yum soulmates

Makoto Togami and Byakuya Togami, one of the most well known couples around the world due to Byakuya's incorporation. They don't exactly go out as much but with how much snow is on the ground this time around, do they even really have much of a choice? After all most clothing items they own are pretty expensive and Byakuya would be livid if anything were to get ruined, especially since his husband is extremely clumsy, adorable of course, but still nonetheless clumsy (and really enjoys playing in the snow.)

With another cold, snowing day passing by the shorter of the two found himself in front of the large window in their bedroom once again, cuddled up in his blanket and sipping on the hot coffee in his hands which, in all fairness, didn't hurt as much due to how cold it was even in the house. Maybe it's because the house itself is pretty big or just the room, but he feels as if his entire body will crack with even the slightest touch, or he'll melt if he actually does gain some warmth.

However, that thought completely goes to waste as the tallest husband makes his way towards Makoto, sitting behind him and wrapping his arms around the others into a gentle hug and pulling him back into his chest, where he can't help but crack the slightest smile as said brunette snuggles in close with a shivering whine. It's silent again. A comfortable silence. The air isn't tense; it's calm, sweet and quite nice. They don't get very many moments like this, because Makoto is either very hyper or they're always at their work place.

The two watch as the white substance gently falls out from the light grey skies and onto the ground, the snow thats already piled there shimmering under the dim light illuminating from one of the lamps in the bedroom closest to the window, where Makoto was supposedly trying to gain heat from, but even he knew that it was a pretty idiotic attempt. Oh well. Occasionally he'd point out different looking snowflakes and has somehow even gotten closer to the window as his hand gently presses against the shuddering glass.

Byakuya on the other hand wishes he could swat the hand away, if anything angers him more it's when people touch glass such as windows (whether it be in the house, in his office, in the car or even at a restaurant, it's glass all the same and it's irking to him) but, usually when it's his husband doing it he's able to contain himself. More so after the shorter looks up at him with the expression of a lost puppy in his eyes but the smile of a kid in a candy shop. He takes this time to admire his gentle lover's features.

The soft freckles spread across his nose and out onto his cheeks just under his wide green-hazel eyes shining happily under the warm light, his perfectly round face and soft jawline that's still covered in now faint love bites and marks from a few days ago (and as much as he'd enjoy making the poor boy beg all over again, he needs to let the rest of his boy heal up...he's unsure of how he's even sitting so comfortably but now isn't the time for that) and his eyes trail down, the marks slowly but surely disappearing in the white button up he has messily buttoned over his thinner and smaller body.

He's almost positive it's his button up and not Makoto's but- oh well, what's he gonna do about it tell him to take his shirt off in the middle of this temperature? He's a cold man, but not cold enough to try and kill his lover by making him freeze to death over a shirt and besides, he looks way too cute in it anyways.

Shaking these extra thoughts away he continues his admiring, unaware of his hand thats made it's way up to cup the boys cheek perfectly and a thumb caressing the lower lip of the short boy. Oh his lips, and how he yearns to kiss them if only for a quick second everyday, no matter where they are. The feeling of Makoto's soft and plump ones on Byakuya's running around through his mind at one hundred miles per second, making his cheeks dust a light pink, Makoto obviously noticing as he takes quick note of the giggle.

His soft and gentle giggle that rings out into his ears, a sound he buries even into the deepest parts of his memories for safe keeping, for if one day he's to break, and Makoto isn't there to hold him throughout he'll hear the sound. The sound of the boy giggling at himself. It isn't abnormal, the shortest Togami loves making fun of the blonde, poking fun at him when he deems it...'necessary' so he states.

Stop admiring me and just kiss me, Makoto lets out another heat warming giggle, the message sending to Byakuya as he tilts his head and leans in to kiss said boy.

Byakuya still isn't used to the whole communication-through-minds thing since they only became soulmates after getting married (which sounds odd, but they never questioned it) which was only about two and a half years ago, but as long as he's able to get some sort of warning Makoto will be barging into his mind he probably won't mind so much.

With a break of the kiss, Byakuya's eyebrows contort as if trying to figure what message to send, almost like receiving the first cell phone that Shuichi and Rantaro gifted him for his birthday, and he'd be lying if he said the concerned look on their faces didn't make him feel stupid along with Makoto's laughing, after all isn't he supposed to be perfect?

You look funny.

Tch, you're one to talk, Byakuya's eyes rolled You know I hate this whole mind talking thing. Don't argue with me either.

You're right, it's not even worth it. Makoto kissed his husbands cheek.

With that he stands up along with the tallest Togami, and they both make way to their bed where they cuddle right back into each other's arms. Basking in one anothers body warmth and the weight of the blankets on top of them. Makoto enjoy's cold days such as this, simply because he gets a happier looking husband than on normal days. Plus his little heart can only take so much especially on hotter days, when Byakuya's shirt is unbuttoned a fee buttons and his sleeves are rolled up, his tie loose around his neck. Even the mere thought of it sneds blood straight up to his cheeks (not that he cares much, it is freezing cold after all.)

Makoto, being deep into his thoughts hadn't even noticed Byakuya putting a mistletoe above the headboard if their bed, and he only realizes when Byakuya slides his hand under his chin to gently cup his jaw and lift his head up, his cold blue eyes metring Makoto's green ones.

"Just because it's snowing doesn't mean it's not june..." Makoto stated matter-of-factly.

"Shut up, i found it lying around," Byakuya scoffed and gave the boy a tiny smile, then continued "Anyways you're meant to kiss me, not fight with me."

Makoto could only giggle and lean his face in close, allowing Byakuya to lock his lips in a kiss. It isn't heated, it isn't messy. It's gentle, and full of love and care, like a reassurance Byakuya isn't going anywhere; and that just makes both boys hearts do backflips.

Word Count: 1338

||a.n: really i just put my fingers on my keyboard and started pressing letters idk what this is, but i tried to not make it christmas-y...im also sorry for it being kind of short, im not feeling the best atm and for taking so long to get this out||

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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