I...I think you're sort of okay- 2

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Tw: none! This takes place in this generation, and they arent at hopes peak academy, so basically makoto acts like a 16 year old and byakuya acts like a damn 50 year old who doesn't know how to use the internet

The two boys, Byakuya Togami and Makoto Naegi, had been sitting in the library for a while, with Togami scrolling through his phone and Makoto simply just there...he doesn't have a reason except for the past event that had taken place, with him practically begging Byakuya to spend time with him. He rejected as he normally does, but finally caved.

"Naegi, what the hell is a... 'Nyakuya Togami' and why is there a picture of me in a maid dress and cat ears?" Confused, Makoto only let out a snort as he jumps off of the table he was sitting on, and makes his way behind his best friend where he indeed did see the exact picture he had described.
"Catboy! They want you to be a catboy maid, duh!"
"Okay, and what exactly is catboy, Makoto?"
"What are you, 60?!"
"That was...uncalled for."
Makoto only shrugged and pulled a chair up by Byakuya, plopping down onto it with a huge smile on his face as a few more moments pass by, Byakuya going back and forth between his book and phone, and Makoto just there to watch.

"'Byakuya Togami sings wap?' What even is this, i would never sing this nor did i ever, im going to sue whoever made this." The sudden outburst made Makoto jump, but he simply just looks over "No, i'm pretty sure you did Togami-kun!"
"Shut up, Naegi."
"Hey dont be mean! I'm just stating the truth."
"I would never sing something like this, Makoto."

The small boy just groaned and kicked his feet like a child throwing a tantrum, Byakuya's stubbornness getting to him. Finally, a change in their arguments. "Not even if i asked you to?" Naegi asked, a huge pout spread across his face, but his expression quickly turns into a shocked one.

"Well, if it's you asking, then the outcome may or may not be different."
"Huh? Really?!"
"Don't let it get to your head, Naegi." Byakuya let out a sigh. In all honesty, Makoto felt his light up as he wiggled around in his seat happily, he was expecting a harsh no or an irritating silence, like he usually gets when he asks something dumb such as that.

"Hah, that was cute Togami-kun."
"Shut it." The tall blonde rolled his eyes again, standing up and searching for a new book, letting thousands of thoughts run around his head at once. Was he seriously flirting? No, it's just a friendly argument with a friend, nothing more nothing less...definitely nothing less.

"Meanie! I even complimented you!" He could even hear the disappointment and slight sadness in his words and he made his way back to Makoto, leaning over him and using his index finger to lift up the boys chin, then blurted out loud and clear:

"Listen Naegi. I'm aware that i'm a cold person, however if it makes you feel any better i...i think you're sort of okay."

All Naegi could do was smile nervously, allowing his blush to brighten as he shifted around in his seat nervously. It isn't so much of the fact that he's uncomfortable, but rather he isn't having very friendly thoughts with his best friend towering over him like this. All he could do is nod his head vigorously, Byakuya flinching as his Ahoge poked him in the cheek, it didn't hurt he just didn't see it coming. Without a second thought, Makoto pushed himself up and quickly kissed the Togami, then giving a nervous smile.

"And...i guess i do think you're cute sometimes, but this stays between us, if you tell anyone a body will be discovered." He almost stumbled over his words, taken aback from the event that just played out as he clears his throat and stands up straight, brushes himself off then turns to make his way back to a bookcase, his finger dragging along the spines of the books as he searches. Makoto on the other hand...had this happy look on his face, it almost looked...idiotic. His head was resting in his hands with a huge smile on his face, his eyes giving the tall boy a dreamy look as he watched him. He sees him as more than a best friend, he absolutely adores and loves him and he somehow got away with kissing him, not because he was sure Byakuya would get mad, but because he didn't think he would be able to do it and not freak out after.

The words finally clicked into his head and he looked over at Byakuya, who finally sat down.
"Hey wait- are you gonna kill me if i tell someone?!"
"No, not necessarily...but I would kill the person you told."
"Huh- wait why them?!"
"If anyone else knows it ruins my pride and dignity, but of course you wouldn't understand."

Naegi crossed his arms, again like a child throwing a temper tantrum, then stuck his tongue out at him.
"Hey i toooootally understand! My ego just...isn't as big as yours, Togami-kun." He giggled to himself, then watched with fear as Togami slowly stood up, and he chased after the small boy as Makoto took off running. I guess you could say that went pretty well.

||A.N: hi there LMAO im getting rid of the original a.n bc im so scared of them finding this||

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